Upcoming Events Past Events All Events Friday, November 18 2022, 2 - 2:30pm CST "Ask an Archivist, Converse with a Curator" "Ask and Archivist, Converse with a Curator' Friday, November 18. This month the discussion will center around "Christmas at the White House" with actual Christmas items shared from our collection.These monthly discussions, held every 3rd Friday of the month, are excellent… Friday, November 18 2022, 11 - 11:30am CST "Ask an Archivist, Converse with a Curator" "Ask and Archivist, Converse with a Curator' Friday, November 18. This month the discussion will center around "Christmas at the White House" with actual Christmas items shared from our collection.These monthly discussions, held every 3rd Friday of the month, are excellent… Thursday, November 17 2022, 6:30 - 8:30pm CST Clinton Presidential Library and Museum Thursday Trivia Takeover The Clinton Presidential Library and Museum as we takeover Thursday Trivia at Stone's Threw Brewing Stifft Station Taproom in Little Rock. Test your knowledge of presidential trivia and win prizes! The theme for November is Celebrations at the White House. We'll be asking… Thursday, November 17 2022, 6 - 7:30pm CST Bending Toward Justice: Voting Rights from the Civil Rights Era to Today Dr. John A. Kirk, George W. Donaghey Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and author of several books on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, the Central High Crisis and the modern civil rights movement discussing voting rights from the Civil… Tuesday, November 15 2022, 6 - 7:30pm CST Stateswomen: A Centennial History of Arkansas Women Legislators, 1922-2022 In a conversation moderated by Dr. Jay Barth, Director of the Clinton Presidential Library and Museum, the authors will discuss the obstacles and opportunities women have experienced in seeking to serve in political office in Arkansas. A book signing will follow the conversation… Monday, May 25 2020, 9am - 5pm CDT Exhibit Closes: ...Like It’s 1999: American Popular Culture in the 1990s The decade of the 1990s was a prosperous time throughout the whole world. In the United States, memories of the decade brings up images of grunge bands, Beanie Babies, neon-colored track suits, and the rise in popularity of the home computer and the World Wide Web.This exhibit… Saturday, November 23 2019, 9am - 5pm CST Exhibit Opens: ...Like It’s 1999: American Popular Culture in the 1990s The decade of the 1990s was a prosperous time throughout the whole world. In the United States, memories of the decade brings up images of grunge bands, Beanie Babies, neon-colored track suits, and the rise in popularity of the home computer and the World Wide Web.This exhibit… Sunday, March 24 2019, 9am - 5pm CDT Exhibit Closing: White House Green Building This exhibit will be an examination of three stages in the development of the green living movement: 1. the Clinton White House in the 1990s 2. the green building construction of the Clinton Presidential Library in 2003-2004 and 3. the green building movement as it exists today… Sunday, March 3 2019, 9am - 5pm CST Exhibit Closes: The White House Collection of American Crafts: 25th Anniversary Exhibit Created in 1993 at the request of First Lady Hillary Clinton and President Bill Clinton during the "Year of American Craft: A Celebration of the Creative Work of the Hand," the collection includes 73 works of glass, metal, ceramic, fiber, and wood, created by seventy-seven of… Saturday, February 2 2019, 11am - 1pm CST Ask A Tiny House Expert! In conjunction with out current exhibit, "White House Green Building" meet John Weisbarth and Zack Giffin, Hosts of the FYI Netwoork hit TV Show "Tiny House Nation". The public is invited to come and ask tiny house design questions and tour "actual" tiny house build in exhibit. Pagination « First First page ‹ Previous Previous page … 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next › Next page Last » Last page