Statehouse to the White House


President Clinton, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton attend a campaign rally at the Old State House in Little Rock, Arkansas. President Clinton addresses the rally.
President Clinton, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton attend a campaign rally at the Old State House in Little Rock, Arkansas. President Clinton addresses the rally September 1, 1996, Photographer: Sharon Farmer.
President Clinton, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton attend a campaign rally at the Old State House in Little Rock, Arkansas. President Clinton addresses the rally September 1, 1996, Photographer: Sharon Farmer.

Bill Clinton served as Arkansas Attorney General (1977-1979), the fortieth and forty-second governor of Arkansas (1979-1981, 1983-1992), and the forty-second president of the United States (1993-2001). This collaborative portal provides opportunities to research the political career of Bill Clinton and provide insights into the trajectory of President Clinton’s work on issues central to both his time in Arkansas and in the White House.

Participating archival institutions

The CALS Butler Center for Arkansas Studies and the UA Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture are both located at the Bobby L. Roberts Library for Arkansas History & Arts in downtown Little Rock and within walking distance of the Presidential Library. Other relevant archival collections are also listed below.

Archival Collections Located in Downtown Little Rock, AR.


CALS logo

CALS Butler Center for Arkansas Studies

Butler Center for Arkansas Studies
401 President Clinton Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72201

Researchers can access certain gubernatorial records at the Butler Center by viewing finding aids online and by visiting the Roberts Library. These collections from Governor Clinton’s time in office include:

In addition to the gubernatorial papers, the CALS Butler Center for Arkansas Studies houses the Arkansas Constitutional Convention collection.

Researchers can also view the CALS Butler Center for Arkansas Studies' detailed descriptions of these collections on Governor Clinton.

Clinton Presidential Library logo

William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum

William J. Clinton Library & Museum
1200 President Clinton Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72201

Researchers can access digitized materials on President Clinton through the Clinton Digital Library. Researchers can also visit the Clinton Presidential Library to access released collections that are not available online.

The digital library exhibits listed below match archival collections from the Butler Center’s gubernatorial collections with material from the Presidential Library on the following shared themes: economic development, education reform, and the environment.

Other Relevant Archival Collections

William Jefferson Clinton History Project

This is a project of the Pryor Center for Arkansas Oral and Visual History at the University of Arkansas and the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia. Transcriptions of these oral history interviews are available online.