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Dr. John A. Kirk, George W. Donaghey Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and author of several books on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, the Central High Crisis and the modern civil rights movement discussing voting rights from the Civil Rights era to present: how have voting rights changed during the history of our state and nation? Who were the eligible voters who shaped our laws and governing ideals? Who were the groups left on the sidelines as a result of voting right changes?
The Arkansas Humanities Council’s new professional development series, Bending Towards Justice, will explore these issues and provide educators with resources to use in their classrooms. Fall 2022 events will be tailored to middle-school and high-school teachers and Spring 2023 sessions will be for elementary teachers. Presenters are scholars, historians, and authors who focus on various aspects of the history of voting and civil rights in Arkansas and the United States.
The series is presented in partnership with the Clinton Presidential Library and Museum.