WHORM Subject Codes

The White House Office of Records Management (WHORM) contains a variety of series created to organize and track documents and correspondence.  The WHORM te House Office of Records Management (WHORM) contains a variety of series created to organize and track documents and correspondence. The WHORM Subject file was compiled by the White House Office of Records Management and is a series of categories designated by a letter/number combination. The following list contains a description of subject categories and codes as designated by WHORM and a link to digitized Clinton Presidential records associated with each subject code.

Agriculture - AGMeetings and Conferences - MC
Arts - ARMessages - ME
Atomic/Nuclear Energy - ATNational Security and Defense - ND
Business/Economics - BENatural Resources - NR
Civil Aviation - CAOuter Space - OS
Commodities - CMParks and Monuments - PA
Countries - COPeace - PC
Disasters - DIPersonnel Management - PE
Education - EDPolitical Affairs - PL
Federal Aid - FAPostal Service - PO
Federal Government - FEProcurement - PQ
Federal Government Organizations - FGPublic Relations - PR
Finance - FIPublications - PU
Foreign Affairs - FOReal Property - RA
Gifts - GIRecreation and Sports - RE
Health - HEReligious Matters - RM
Highways/Bridges - HIReports and Statistics - RS
Holidays - HOSafety and Accident Prevention - SA
Housing - HSSciences - SC
Human Rights - HUSocial Affairs - SO
Immigration/Naturalization - IMSpeeches - SP
Indian Affairs - INState Governments - ST
Insurance - ISTrade - TA
International Organizations - ITTransportation - TN
Invitations - IVTrips - TR
Judicial and Legal Matters - JLUtilities - UT
Non-Government Labor-Management Relations - LAVeterans Affairs - VA
Legislation - LEWelfare - WE
Local Governments - LGWhite House Administration - WH 
Medals and Awards - MAThe President - PP

Learn more about each subject code:

This series contains material pertaining to the acquisition and dissemination of information on agricultural and experimental programs, research in crop and livestock production, farm and household management, and rural development. There are five subject sub category headings in this series: Agriculture (AG), Marketing: Protections Programs (AG001), Research Programs (AG002), Agricultural Subsidies (AG003), and Agricultural Surplus (AG004).

This series contains materials pertaining to the research, development, control, and uses of atomic and nuclear energy for peaceful (non-defense) purposes, such as improving the general health and welfare, increasing the standard of living and strengthening free competition in private enterprise for all peoples through international agreements.

This series contains materials pertaining to the research, development, control, and uses of atomic and nuclear energy for peaceful (non-defense) purposes, such as improving the general health and welfare, increasing the standard of living and strengthening free competition in private enterprise for all peoples through international agreements.

This series contains materials pertaining to domestic commerce, industries, and the national economy. There is information on the following topics: business trends; costs and standards of living; inflation; economic controls; national income; recessions; depressions; and prosperity. The records also include information regarding patents and inventions, copyrights, trademarks and the regulations and control pertaining to them, cooperatives, monopoly, anti monopoly, antitrust, and post war planning. There are 27 subject sub category headings in this series: Business and Economics (BE); Domestic Trade (BE001); Economic Controls (BE002); Industry (BE003); Aerospace Industry (BE003-01); Chemicals (BE003-02); Coal Industry (BE003-03); Communications Industry (BE003-04); Construction - Housing Industry (BE003-05); Food and Kindred Products Industry (BE003-06); Furniture Industry (BE003-07); Lumber - Wood - Paper (BE003-08); Machinery Industry (BE003-09); Metals Industry (BE003-10); Plastics - Rubber Industry (BE003-12); Service Industries (BE003-13); Textile - Apparel and Leather Industry (BE003-14); Transportation (BE003-15); Electronics (BE003-16); Miscellaneous (BE003-17); National Economy (BE004); Cost of Living (BE004-01); Inflation (BE004-02); National Income - Product Data (BE004-03); Recessions - Depressions (BE004-04); Patents - Inventions - Copyrights - Trademarks (BE005); and Small Business (BE006).

This series contains material pertaining to safety regulations, air commerce, air freight, development of aeronautics, the control and use of navigable air space, research and development of air navigation facilities, development and operation of a common system of air traffic control, and navigation for civil aircraft and aviation policy. There are six subject sub category headings in this series: Civil Aviation (CA); Accidents - Safety (CA001); Aircraft Development (CA002); Airports (CA003); Petroleum Industry (CA003-11); and Miscellaneous, Including Routes, Navigation and Air Subsidies (CA004).

This series contains material pertaining to specific commodities or equipment and supply items such as grain, meat, automobile, and file cabinets. These records include information on commodity weights, measures, and standards. There are 24 subject sub category headings in this series: Commodities (CM); Chemicals (CM001); Consumers (CO001-01); Coal (CM002); Food and Kindred Products (CM003); Alcoholic and Other Beverages (CM003-01); Diary Products (CM003-02); Fruits and Vegetables (CM003-03); Grain, Mill Products and Livestock Feed (CM003-04); Livestock (CM003-05); Meat, Seafood and Poultry (CM003-06); Furniture (CM004); Lumber, Wood and Paper (CM005); Machinery including Motors (CM006); Metal Products (CM007); Miscellaneous Manufactures (CM008); Guns and Related Products (CM009); Petroleum including Gas and Oil (CM010); Plastic and Rubber Products (CM011); Stone, Clay and Glass Products (CM012); Textile-Apparel and Leather Products (CM013); Tobacco (CM014); Transportation Equipment (CM015); and Electronics (CM016).

This series contains materials pertaining to specific countries, continents, geographic areas, foreign governments, and their officials. There are 206 subject sub category headings in this series: Countries and Geographic Areas (CO); Continental and Geographic Areas (CO001); Africa (CO001-01); Antarctica and the Artic (CO001-02); Asia (CO001-03); Communist Bloc (CO001-04); Europe (CO001-05); Far East (CO001-06); Middle East (CO001-07); North America (CO001-08); South America, Central and Latin America (CO001-09); the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (CO002); People's Socialist Republic of Albania (CO003); Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria (CO004); Andorra (CO005); People's Republic of Angola (CO006); State of Antigua and Barbuda (CO007); Argentine Republic (CO008); Armenia (CO009); Australia (CO010); Republic of Austria (CO011); Azerbaijan (CO012); Commonwealth of the Bahamas (CO013); State of Bahrain (CO014); Peoples Republic of Bangladesh (CO015); Barbados (CO016); Belarus (CO017); Belgium (CO018); Belize (CO019); Peoples Republic of Benin (CO020); Bhutan (CO021); Republic of Bolivia (CO022); Bosnia and Herzegovina (CO023); Republic of Botswana (CO024); Federative Republic of Brazil (CO025); Brunei (CO026); People's Republic of Bulgaria (CO027); Burkina Fasto (CO028); Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma (CO029); Republic of Burundi (CO030); Cambodia (CO031); State of Cameroon (CO032); Canada (CO033); Republic of Cape Verde (CO034); Central African Republic (CO035); Republic of Chad (CO036); Chile (CO037); China (CO038); Republic of China (Formosa - Taiwan) (CO038-01); People's Republic of China (Red China) (CO038-02); Columbia (CO039); Comoros (CO040); Peoples Republic of the Congo (CO041); Republic of Costa Rica (CO042); Croatia (CO043); Cote d'Ivoire (CO044); Republic of Cuba (CO045); Republic of Cyprus (CO046); Czech Republic (CO047); Denmark (CO048); Djibouti (CO049); Dominica (CO050); Dominican Republic (CO051); Ecuador (CO052); Arab Republic of Egypt (CO053); Republic of El Salvador (CO054); Equatorial Guinea (CO055); Estonia (CO056); Ethiopia (CO057); Fiji (CO058); Finland (CO059); France (CO060); Gabon Republic (CO061); The Gambia (CO062); Georgia (CO063); Germany (reunited as of 10/3/90) (CO064); Republic of Ghana (CO065); Greece Hellenic Republic (CO066); Grenada (CO067); Republic of Guatemala (CO068); Republic of Guinea (CO069); Republic of Guinea - Bissau (CO070); Republic of Guyana (CO071); Republic of Haiti (CO072); Holy See (Vatican City) (CO073); Republic of Honduras (CO074); Hungary or Hungarian People's Republic (CO075); Republic of Iceland (CO076); India (CO077), Republic of Indonesia (CO078); Iran (CO079); Republic of Iraq (CO080); Ireland (CO081); Israel (CO082); Italy or Italian Republic (CO083); Jamaica (CO084); Japan (CO085); Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (CO086); Kazakhstan (CO087); Kenya (CO088); Kiribati (CO089); Korea (CO090); People's Democratic Republic of Korea (North) (CO090-01); Republic of Korea (South) (CO090-02); State of Kuwait (CO091); Kyrgyzstan (CO092); People's Democratic Republic of Laos (CO093); Latvia (CO094); Republic of Lebanon (CO095); Kingdom of Lesotho (CO096); Republic of Liberia (CO097); Libya or Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (CO098); Liechtenstein (CO099); Lithuania (CO100); Luxembourg (CO101); Macedonia (CO102); Malagasy Republic of Madagascar (CO103); Republic of Malawi (CO104); Malaysia (CO105); Republic of Maldives (CO106); Republic of Mali (CO107); Republic of Malta (CO108); Marshall Islands (CO109); Islamic Republic of Mauritania (CO110); Mauritius (CO111); Mexico (United Mexican States) (CO112); Federated States of Micronesia (CO113); Moldova (CO114); Monaco (CO115); People's Republic of Mongolia (Outer Mongolia) (CO116); Morocco (CO117); People's Republic of Mozambique (CO118); Namibia (CO119); Nauru (CO120); Nepal (CO121); Netherlands (CO122); New Zealand (CO123); Nicaragua (CO124); Republic of Niger (CO125); Federal Republic of Nigeria (CO126); Republic of Biafra (CO126-01); Norway (CO127); Sultanate of Oman (CO128); Islamic Republic of Pakistan (CO129); Republic of Panama (CO130); Papua New Guinea (CO131); Republic of Paraguay (CO132); Republic of Peru (CO133); Philippines (CO134); Poland or Polish People's Republic (CO135); Republic of Portugal (CO136); State of Qatar (CO137); Socialist Republic of Romania (Rumania) (CO138); Russia (CO139); Republic of Rwanda (CO140); St. Kitts and Nevis (CO141); St. Lucia (CO142); St. Vincent and the Grenadines (CO143); Republic of San Marino (CO144); Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe (CO145); Saudi Arabia (CO146); Republic of Senegal (CO147); Serbia and Montenegro (CO148); Republic of Seychelles (CO149); Republic of Sierra Leone (CO150); Republic of Singapore (CO151); Slovak Republic (CO152); Slovenia (CO153); Solomon Islands (CO154); Democratic Republic of Somalia (CO155); Republic of South Africa (CO156); Spain (CO157); Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (CO158); Republic of Sudan (CO159); Republic of Suriname (CO160); Kingdom of Swaziland (CO161); Sweden (CO162); Switzerland (CO163); Syrian Arab Republic (CO164); Tajikistan (CO165); Tanzania (CO166); Thailand (CO167); Republic of Togo (CO168); Kingdom of Tonga (CO169); Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (CO170); Republic of Tunisia (CO171); Republic of Turkey (CO172); Turkmenistan (CO173); Tuvalu (CO174); Republic of Uganda (CO175); Ukraine (CO176); United Arab Emirates (CO177); United Kingdom (CO178); Oriental Republic of Uruguay (CO179); Uzbekistan (CO180); Vanuatu (CO181); Republic of Venezuela (CO182); Socialist Republic of Vietnam (CO183); Independent State of Western Samoa (CO184); Arab Republic of Yemen (CO185); Republic of Zaire (CO186); Republic of Zambia (CO187); Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) (CO0188); Republic of Palau (CO189); Tibet (CO190); Hong Kong (CO191); and Eritrea (CO192).

This series contains material pertaining to disasters and disaster relief, including aid in the form of materials, services, gifts, and loans. The series contains three subject sub category headings: Disasters (DI); Accidents (DI001); and Natural Disasters (DI002).

This series contains materials pertaining to education and educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities) both public and private. These records include information regarding requirements and standards, training programs, facilities, staff, and students. There are four subject sub category headings in this series: Education (ED); Libraries and Facilities (ED001); Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants (ED002); and Teachers, and Teaching Methods, and Educational Programs (ED003).

This series contains materials pertaining to Federal financial aid to state and local governments or institutions in the form of direct grants-in-aid, shared revenue and net loans, and repayable advances. The records also include information regarding aid to industries for defense production, public or civil works, and payment in lieu of taxes. The series contains seven subject sub category headings: Federal Aid (FA); Arts (FA001); Education (FA002); Housing (FA003); Public Health (FA004); Revenue Sharing (FA005); and Transportation and Airport Construction (FA006).

This series contains materials pertaining to the establishment, organization, and reorganization of the Federal Government as a whole and related subjects pertaining to the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Executive Orders, and Proclamations. Also included is information on heraldry, flags, seals, and historical matters and records. There are 16 subject sub category headings: Federal Government (FE); Ceremonies and Protocol (FE001); Deaths and Funerals (FE001-01); Wreath-Laying (FE001-02); the Declaration of Independence and Constitution (FE002); Presidential Powers, Succession, and Term of Office (FE002-01); Executive Orders (FE003); Heraldry, Flags, and President's Seal (FE004); Management Improvement Program (FE005); National Emblems (FE006); National Emergency (FE007); Presidential Libraries and Museums (FE008); Library (Incumbent President) (FE008-01); Proclamations (FE009); Records and Archives (FE010); and Access to Records and Documents (FE010-01).

This series contains materials pertaining to or about the Federal Government departments and agencies. There is information on the following topics: establishment; disestablishment; organization; reorganization; audits; inspections; investigations; location; relocation; regulations and reports; appointments; resignations; and endorsements to top positions. The series contains the following subject sub category headings: Federal Government Organizations (FG); President of the United States (FG001); Delegations of Authority (FG001-01); Personal Representative of the President (FG001-02); Inaugurations (FG001-03); Transition to Incoming Administration (FG001-04); Presidential Handwriting and Holographs (FG001-05); Appointments - Interviews and Meetings with President (FG001-06); Presidential Appointments Granted (FG001-07); Presidential Telephone Calls (FG001-08); Former Presidents (FG002); George Washington (FG002-01); John Adams (FG002-02); Thomas Jefferson (FG002-03); James Madison (FG002-04); James Monroe (FG002-05); John Quincy Adams (FG002-06); Andrew Jackson (FG002-07); Martin Van Buren (FG002-08); William H. Harrison (FG002-09); John Tyler (FG002-10); James K. Polk (FG002-11); Zachary Taylor (FG002-12); Millard Fillmore (FG002-13); Franklin Pierce (FG002-14); James Buchanan (FG002-15); Abraham Lincoln (FG002-16); Andrew Johnson (FG002-17); Ulysses S. Grant (FG002-18); Rutherford B. Hayes (FG002-19); James A. Garfield (FG002-20); Chester A. Arthur (FG002-21); Grover Cleveland (FG002-22); Benjamin Harrison (FG002-23); William McKinley (FG002-24); Theodore Roosevelt (FG002-25); William Howard Taft (FG002-26); Woodrow Wilson (FG002-27); Warren G. Harding (FG002-28); Calvin Coolidge (FG002-29); Herbert C. Hoover (FG002-30); Franklin D. Roosevelt (FG002-31); Harry S. Truman (FG002-32); Dwight D. Eisenhower (FG002-33); John F. Kennedy (FG002-34); Lyndon B. Johnson (FG002-35); Richard M. Nixon (FG002-36); Gerald R. Ford (FG002-37); James Earl Carter, Jr. (FG002-38); Ronald Wilson Reagan (FG002-39); George Herbert Walker Bush (FG002-41); Executive Office of the President (FG006); White House Office (FG006-01); Office of Administration (FG006-02); Chief of Staff (FG006-03); Counsel to the President (FG006-04); Office of Management and Budget (FG006-05); National Security Council (FG006-06); Policy Development (FG006-07); Office of Presidential Personnel (FG006-08); Office of Science and Technology (FG006-09); Office of the United States Trade Representative (FG006-10); Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (FG006-11); Council of Economic Advisers (FG006-12); White House Office on Environmental Quality (FG006-13); President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (FG006-14); President's Intelligence Oversight Board (FG006-15); Senior Interagency Group on International Economic Policy (FG006-16); Office of National Drug Control Policy (FG006-17); Office of Cabinet Affairs (FG006-18); Office of the First Lady (FG006-19); National Economic Council (FG006-20); Domestic Policy Council (FG006-21); Interagency Security Committee (FG006-22); President's Council on Counter-Narcotics (FG006-23); President's Drug Policy Council (FG006-23); White House Millennium Council (FG006-24); Year 2000 Conversion Council (FG006-25); Cabinet Meetings (FG010-01); Department of State (FG011); Department of Treasury (FG012); Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (FG012-01); United States Customs Service (FG012-02); Bureau of Engraving and Printing (FG012-03); Internal Revenue Service (IRS) (FG012-04); Bureau of the Mint (FG012-05); United States Saving Bonds Division (FG012-06); United States Secret Service (FG012-07); Internal Revenue Service Management Board (FG012-08); Department of Defense (FG013); Defense Communications Agency (FG013-01); White House Communications Agency (FG013-02); Defense Intelligence Agency (FG013-03); Joint Chief of Staff (FG013-04); National Security Agency / Central Security Service (FG013-05); President's Advisory Board on Arms Proliferation Policy (FG013-06); Corps of Engineers (FG014-01); Surgeon General (FG014-02); Marine Corps (FG015-01); Civil Air Patrol (FG016-01); Department of Justice (FG017); Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) (FG017-01); Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (FG017-02); Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) (FG017-03); Law Enforcement Assistant Administration (FG017-04); Office of Legal Counsel (FG017-05); United States Parole Commission (FG017-06); Bureau of Prisons (FG017-07); United States Attorneys (FG017-08); United States Marshals (FG017-09); Department of the Interior (FG018); United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FG018-01); Geological Survey (FG018-02); Bureau of Indian Affairs (FG018-03); Bureau of Land Management (FG018-04); Bureau of Mines (FG018-05); National Park Service (FG018-06); Agricultural Research Service (FG019-01); Farmers Home Administration (FG019-02); Forest Service (FG019-03); Soil Conservation Service (FG019-04); Department of Commerce (FG020); Bureau of Census (FG020-01); Minority Business Development Agency (FG020-02); National Institute of Standards and Technology (FG020-03); National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (FG020-04); Patent and Trademark Office (FG020-05); Bureau of Labor Statistics (FG021-01); Labor and Management Services Administration (FG021-02); Occupational Safety and Health Administration (FG021-03); Office of Consumer Affairs (FG022-01); National Cancer Institute (FG022-02); Public Health Service (FG022-03); Social Security Administration (FG022-04); President's Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (FG022-05); Federal Housing Administration (FG023-01); Government National Mortgage Association (FG023-02); Department of Transportation (FG024); Coast Guard (FG024-01); Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) (FG024-02); Federal Highway Administration (FG024-03); Federal Railroad Administration (FG024-04); National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (FG024-05); St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (FG024-06); Urban Mass Transportation Administration (FG024-07); Maritime Administration (FG024-08); Department of Energy (FG025); Department of Education (FG026); The Congress of the United States (FG031); Legislative Leadership/Meetings (FG031-01); House of Representatives (FG032); House Committees (FG033); Agriculture (FG033-01); Appropriations (FG033-02); Armed Services (FG033-03); Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs (FG033-04); Budget (FG033-05); District of Columbia (FG033-06); Education and Labor (FG033-07); Government Operations (FG033-08); House Administration (FG033-09); Interior and Insular Affairs (FG033-10); Foreign Affairs (FG033-11); Interstate and Foreign Commerce (FG033-12); Judiciary (FG033-13); Merchant Marine and Fisheries (FG033-14); Post Office and Civil Service (FG033-15); Public Works and Transportation (FG033-16); Rules (FG033-17); Science and Technology (FG033-18); Small Business (FG033-19); Standards of Official Conduct (FG033-20); Veterans Affairs (FG033-21); Ways and Means (FG033-22); Energy and Commerce (FG033-23); Speaker of the House (FG034); Senate (FG035); Senate Committees (FG036); Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry (FG036-02); Appropriations (FG036-03); Armed Services (FG036-04); Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs (FG036-05); Budget (FG036-06); Commerce, Science, and Transportation (FG036-07); Energy and Natural Resources (FG036-08); Finance (FG036-09); Foreign Relations (FG036-10); Governmental Affairs (FG036-11); Labor and Human Resources (FG036-12); Senate Committee on the Judiciary (FG036-13); Environment and Public Works (FG036-14); Small Business (FG036-16); Senate Committee on Rules and Administration (FG036-17); Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs (FG036-18); Select and Special Committees of the House and Senate (FG037); Vice President (FG038); Former Vice Presidents (Includes Spouses) (FG038-01); Vice President's Staff (FG038-02); Joint Committees of Congress (FG039); Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (FG039-01); Joint Committee on Congressional Operations (FG039-02); Joint Committee on Defense Production (FG039-03); Joint Committee on Economics (FG039-04); Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation (FG039-05); Joint Committee on Library (FG039-06); Joint Committee on Printing (FG039-07); Architect of the Capitol (FG040); Congressional Budget Office (FG041); General Accounting Office (FG042); Government Printing Office (FG043); Library of Congress and American Folklife Center (FG044); Copyright Royalty Tribunal (FG045); Judicial Branch (FG050); Supreme Court of the United States (FG051); United States Courts of Appeals (FG052); United States District Courts (FG053); United States Court of Claims (FG054); United States Court of Appeals for the Federal District (FG055); United States Court of International Trade (FG056); United States Court of Military Appeals (FG057); United States Tax Court (FG058); Courts of the District Columbia (FG059); District of Columbia Court of Appeals (FG059-01); Superior Court of the District of Columbia (FG059-02); Administrative Office of the United States Courts (FG060); Federal Judicial Center (FG061); United States Court of Veterans Appeals (FG062); Independent Agencies, Boards and Commissions (FG065); Action (FG066); VISTA (FG066-02); Office of Voluntary Action (FG066-03); National Voluntary Service Advisory Council (FG066-04); Administrative Conference of the United States (FG067); Advertising Council (FG068); Advisory Board on Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings and Monuments (FG069); Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (FG070); Advisory Committee on Federal Pay (FG071); Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (FG072); Agricultural Policy Committee (FG073); American Battle Monuments Commission (FG074); American National Red Cross (FG075); Appalachian Regional Commission (FG077); Board of Foreign Scholarships (FG078); Board of Geographic Names (FG079); Board for International Broadcasting (FG080); Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (FG081); Business Council (FG082); Cabinet Committee on Construction (FG084); Commission on Civil Rights (FG093); Commission on Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Salaries (FG094); Commission on Federal Paperwork (FG095); Commission on Fine Arts (FG096); Commission on Highway Beautification (FG097); Commission on Postal Service (FG098); Commission on Presidential Scholars (FG099); Commission on the Review of National Policy Toward Gambling (FG100); Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (FG101); Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (FG102); Committee for the Preservation of the White House (FG103); Committee for Purchase from the Blind and Severely Handicapped (FG104); Commodity Futures Trading Commission (FG105); Communications Satellite Corporation (FG106); Consumer Product Safety Commission (FG108); Corporation for Public Broadcasting (FG109); Defense Manpower Commission (FG110); Delaware River Basin Commission (FG111); Development Coordination Committee (FG112); District of Columbia (FG114); District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority (FG114-01); District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities (FG115); District of Columbia Judicial Nominating Commission (FG116); District of Columbia Law Revision Commission (FG117); East - West Foreign Trade Board (FG118); Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation (FG119); Endangered Species Scientific Authority (FG120); Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (FG122); Office of Inspector General, EPA (FG122-01); Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) (FG123); Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinating Council (FG123-01); Export Administration Review Boards (FG124); Export Expansion Advisory Committee (FG125); Export - Import Bank of the United States (FG126); Farm Credit Administration (FG127); Federal Communications Commission (FG128); Federal Council on the Aging (FG129); Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FG130); Federal Election Commission (FG131); Federal Executive Boards (FG133); Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FG134); Federal Interagency Committee on Education (FG135); Federal Labor Relations Authority (FG136); Federal Service Impasses Panel (FG136-01); Federal Maritime Commission (FG137); Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FG138); National Labor Management Panel (FG138-01); Federal Metal and Nonmetallic Mine Safety Board of Review (FG139); Federal National Mortgage Association (FG140); Federal Regional Council (FG142); Under Secretaries Group for Regional Operations (FG142-01); Federal Reserve System, Board of Governors (FG143); Federal Safety Council (FG144); Federal Trade Commission (FG145); Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission (FG148); General Services Administration (GSA) (FG149); Advisory Committee, Federal Buildings, National Capital Region (FG149-01); Federal Supply Service (FG149-02); National General Service Public Advisory Council (FG149-03); Property Management and Disposal Service (FG149-04); Public Buildings Service (FG149-05); Transportation and Communications Service (FG149-06); Information Security Oversight Office (FG149-07); Office of Inspector General, GSA (FG0149-08); Geothermal Energy Coordination and Management Project (FG150); Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation Board of Trustees (FG152); Hopi - Navajo Land Settlement Interagency Committee (FG153); Indian Claims Commission (FG154); Interagency Classification Review Committee (FG156); Interagency Committee on Handicapped Employees (FG157); Interagency Economic Adjustment Committee (FG158); Inter-American Foundation (FG159); Inter-American Foundation, Board of Directors (FG159-01); Interdepartment Committee on Internal Security (FG160); Interdepartment Committee for the Purchase of United States Saving Bonds (FG162); Interstate Commerce Commission (FG163); Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (FG164); James Madison Memorial Commission (FG165); Joint Federal - State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska (FG166); Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Coordinating Council (FG167); National Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (FG167-01); Board of Directors of the Legal Services Corporation (FG168); Marine Mammal Commission (FG171); National Academy of Sciences (FG173); National Advisory Commission on Low Income Housing (FG174); National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere (FG175); National Advisory Council on Adult Education (FG176); National Advisory Council on Educational Professions Development (FG177); National Advisory Council on the Education of Disadvantaged Children (FG178); Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education (FG179); National Advisory Council on Equality of Educational Opportunity (FG180); National Advisory Council on Indian Education (FG181); National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Finance Policies (FG182); National Advisory Council on Supplementary Centers and Services (FG183); National Council on Vocational Education (FG184); National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (FG185); Office of Inspector General, NASA (FG185-01); National Alliance of Business (FG186); National Capital Planning Commission (FG187); National Commission on Electronic Fund Transfers (FG189); National Commission on Individual Rights (FG190); National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (FG191); National Commission on Manpower Policy (FG192); National Commission on Supplies and Shortages (FG196); National Commission on Water Quality (FG197); National Corporation of Housing Partnerships (FG198); National Council on Federal Disaster Assistance (FG199); National Council on Quality in Education (FG201); National Credit Union Administration (FG202); National Credit Union Board (FG202-01); National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities (FG203); Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities (FG203-01); National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) (FG203-02); National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) (FG0203-03); National Historical Publications and Records Commission (FG204); National Home Ownership Foundation (FG205); National Institute of Building Sciences (FG206); National Labor Relations Board (FG207); National Mediation Board (FG208); National Park Foundation (FG209); National Railroad Passenger Corporation (FG210); Financial Investment Advisory Panel (FG210-11); National Science Foundation (FG211); National Science Board (FG211-01); National Study Commission on Records and Documents of Federal Officials (FG212); National Transportation Policy Study Commission (FG213); National Transportation Safety Board (FG214); Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) (FG217); Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (FG218); Overseas Private Investment Corporation (FG221); Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation (FG226); Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (FG227); Permanent Committee for the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise (FG228); President's Biomedical Research Panel (FG229); President's Cancer Panel (FG230); President's Commission on Executive Exchange (FG232); President's Commission on White House Fellowships (FG233); President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (FG234); President's Committee on Mental Retardation (FG235); President's Committee on the National Medal of Science (FG236); President's Committee on Urban Development and Neighborhood Revitalization (FG238); President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (FG240); Citizen's Advisory Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (FG240-01); Conference on Physical Fitness and Sports (FG240-02); President's Interagency Committee on Export Expansion (FG242); Office of the Rail Public Counsel (FG245); Railroad Retirement Board (FG246); Renegotiation Board (FG247); Sinai Interagency Board (FG248); Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (FG249); Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) (FG250); Selective Service System (FG251); National Selective Service Appeals Board (FG251-01); Small Business Administration (SBA) (FG252); National Small Business Advisory Council (FG252-01); Inspector General (FG252-02); Smithsonian Institution (FG253); Smithsonian Institution Advisory Committee on the Arts (FG253-01); John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (FG253-01); Joseph H. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (FG253-02); National Air and Space Museum (FG253-03); National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board (FG253-04); National Gallery of Art (FG253-05); Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (FG253-06); Southern Interstate Nuclear Board (FG254); Student Loan Marketing Association (FG255); Susquehanna River Basin Commission (FG256); Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (FG257); Task Forces (FG258); Presidential Task Force on Regulatory Relief (FG258-01); Task Force on Automobile Industry (FG258-02); Task Force on Immigration and Refugee Policy (FG258-03); Task Force on Aircraft Crew Complement (FG258-04); Coordinating Task Force on Federalism (FG258-05); Task Force on Telecommunications Policy (Commerce Department) (FG258-06); Task Force on Puerto Rican Problems (FG258-07); Presidential Task Force on the Arts and Humanities (FG258-08); Military Manpower Task Force (FG258-09); Communications Task Force (FG258-10); Task Force on Social Security (FG258-11); Task Force on Entitlements (FG258-12); Task Force on Revenue Enhancements (FG258-13); President's Task Force on Private Sector Initiatives (FG258-14); Task Force on Legal Equity for Women (FG258-15); President's Task Force on Victims of Crime (FG258-17); Task Force on Civil Rights Organization (FG258-18); International Private Enterprise Task Force (FG258-19); Task Force on Acid Precipitation (FG258-20); Task Force on Food Assistance (FG258-21); Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice (FG258-22); Task Force on Adoption (FG258-23); Task Force on Market Mechanisms (FG258-24); Task Force on National Health Care Reform (FG258-25); Task Force on the North American Free Trade Agreement (FG258-26); Task Force on Federal Fleet Conversion (FG258-27); Infrastructure Protection Task Force (IPTF) (FG258-28); Task Force on Environmental Health and Safety Risks (FG258-29); Quality Interagency Coordination Task Force (FG258-30); National Task Force on the Employment of Adults with Disabilities (FG258-31); U.S. Coral Reef Task Force (FG258-32); Interagency Task Force on American Indian and Alaska Native Education (FG258-33); President's Task Force on Federal Training Technology (FG258-34); Interagency Task Force on Roles and Mission of U.S. Coast Guard (FG258-35); Tennessee Valley Authority (FG259); Trade Policy Committee (FG260); Trade Negotiations Committee (FG260-01); United Service Organization (FG261); United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (FG264); United States International Trade Commission (USITC) (FG267); United States Metric Board (FG268); United States Postal Service (FG269); United States Postal Service Board of Governors (FG269-01); Postal Service Advisory Council (FG269-02); Postal Rate Commission (FG269-03); Postmasters - Post Office (FG269-04); United States Railway Association (FG270); United States Sinai Support Mission (FG271); United States Territorial Expansion Memorial Commission (FG272); Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (FG277); Water Resources Council (FG278); Western Interstate Nuclear Board (FG279); Woodrow Wilson Memorial Commission (FG280); National Commission on Unemployment Compensation (FG281); National Health Resources Advisory Board (FG282); Presidential Advisory Board on Ambassadorial Appointments (FG284); United States Circuit Judge Nominating Commission (FG286); Strategy Council (Drug Abuse) (FG288); National Commission on Employment and Unemployment Statistics (FG289); Committee on Selection of Federal Judicial Officers (FG290); Statistical Policy Coordination Committee (FG294); Advisory Committee on Balanced National Growth and Development (FG297); United States Information Agency (USIA) (FG298); Voice of America (Broadcasting Service) (FG298-01); United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy (FG299); President's Advisory Committee for Women (FG300); National Commission on Air Quality (FG302); Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission (FG304); President's Commission on Pension Policy (FG309); Interagency Coordinating Council (FG310); Judicial Nominating Commission of Puerto Rico (FG313); Veterans Federal Coordinating Committee Council (FG314); Regulatory Council (FG317); Regulatory Analysis Review Group (FG317-01); Merit Systems Protection Board (FG318); Office of Personnel Management (OPM) (FG319); Office of Government Ethics (FG319-01); Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee (FG319-02); Office of Personnel Management, Inspector General (FG319-03); Special Panel on Appeals for Discriminatory Cases (FG320); National Consumer Cooperative Bank Board of Directors (FG321); Office of Self - Help Development and Technical Assistance (FG321-01); Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy (FG322); Endangered Species Committee (FG323); Interagency Committee on Handicapped Research (FG324); Mid-Atlantic Regional Commission (FG325); Mid-South Regional Commission (FG326); Mid-America regional Commission (FG327); Architectural and Transportation Barrier Compliance Board (FG328); Interagency Committee on Refugee Affairs (FG329); Advisory Committee on Libraries and Information Service (FG330); Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (FG331); United States Fire Administration (FG331-01); Federal Disaster Assistance Administration (FG331-02); Federal Preparedness Agency (FG331-03); Flood Insurance Administration (FG331-04); Federal Insurance Administration (FG331-05); Inspector General, FEMA (FG331-06); National Commission for Employment Policy (FG333); Executive Group to Combat Fraud and Waste in Government (FG334); President's Export Council (FG336); Interagency Committee on Women's Business Enterprise (FG337); National Alcohol Fuels Commission (FG338); National Academy of Peace and Conflict Resolution (FG339); Office of Inspector for Alaska Gas Transportation System (FG340); Executive Policy Board (FG340-01); President's Commission on Study of Ethical Problems (FG341); United States International Development Cooperation Agency (FG342); Institute for Scientific and Technological Cooperation (FG342-01); Council on International Scientific and Technological Cooperation (FG342-02); Agency for International Development (FG342-03); United States Trade and Development Program (FG342-04); Federal Legal Council (FG343); Commission on the Review of the Federal Impact Aid Program (FG344); Northern Mariana Islands Commission on Federal Law (FG345); Emergency Management Council (FG346); Consumer Affairs Council (FG348); Panama Canal Commission (FG349); Panama Canal Commission Supervisory Board (FG349-01); National Advisory Community Investment Board (FG350); President's Commission for National Agenda for the Eighties (FG351); United States Holocaust Memorial Council (FG352); Citizens Committee on Conscience (FG352-01); National Commission on Alcoholism and Alcohol - Related Programs (FG353); Advisory Committee on Small and Minority Business Ownership (FG355); State Planning Council on Radioactive Waste Management (FG356); President's Committee on International Labor Organization (FG358); Motor Carrier Ratemaking Study Commission (FG360); United States Synthetic Fuels Corporation, Board of Directors (FG361); Inspector General (Synthetic Fuels Corporation) (FG361-01); Supplemental Health Insurance Panel (FG362); Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (FG364); Tahoe Federal Coordinating Council (FG365); National Commission on Student Financial Assistance (FG366); President's Economic Policy Advisory Board (FG368); Native Hawaiian Study Commission (FG369); President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency (FG370); Coordinating Conference of Council of Integrity and Efficiency (FG370-01); Executive Council on Integrity and Efficiency (ECIE) (FG370-02); Presidential Advisory Committee on Federalism (FG371); President's Commission on Hostage Compensation (FG372); Alaska Land Use Council (FG374); National Productivity Advisory Committee (FG377); Emergency Mobilization Preparedness Board (FG378); National Commission on Social Security Reform (FG379); Peace Corps (FG380); Peace Corps Advisory Council (FG380-01); Property Review Board (Federal Real Property Board) (FG381); Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving (FG382); President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities (FG383); President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control (FG384); President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (FG385); United States German Tricentennial Commission (FG386); President's Commission on Strategic Forces (FG387); Presidential Commission on Indian Reservation Economies (FG388); President's Council for International Youth Exchange (FG389); African Development Foundation, Board of Directors (FG390); National Advisory Commission on Resource Conservation (FG391); Presidential Commission on Conduct of United States-Japan Relations (FG392); Commission on Organized Crime (FG393); Interagency Working Group to Revise the Implementation of Textile Imports (FG394); President's Advisory Committee on Women's Business Ownership (FG395); President's Advisory Council on Private Sectors Initiatives (FG396); President's Commission on Industrial Competitiveness (FG397); National Bipartisan Commission on Central America (FG398); Cultural Property Advisory Committee (FG399); President's Advisory Committee on Mediation and Conciliation (FG400); Presidential Advisory Council on the Peace Corps (FG401); President's Council on Management Improvement (FG402); Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, Board of Trustees (FG403); Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund, Board of Trustees (FG404); Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund, Board of Trustees (FG405); National Commission on Space (FG406); National Commission on Agricultural Trade and Export Policy (FG407); Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Holiday Commission (FG408); President's Blue Ribbon Task Force on Nuclear Weapons (FG409); President's Commission on Americans Outdoors (FG410); Chemical Warfare Review Commission (FG411); Arctic Research Commission (FG412); National Council on Public Works Improvement (FG413); United States Institute of Peace, Board of Directors (FG414); Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States (FG415); Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Jubilee Commission (FG416); National Afro-American History and Culture Commission (FG417); Commission on the Ukraine Famine (FG418); Technical Review Group on Inertial Confinement Fusion (FG419); National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) (FG420); President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management (FG421); President's Child Safety Partnership (FG422); Presidential Board of Advisors on Private Sector Initiatives (FG423); National Graduate Fellows Program Fellowship Board (FG424); State Justice Institute Board of Directors (FG425); National Commission on Innovation and Productivity (FG426); Presidential Commission on Space Shuttle Challenger Accident (FG427); Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad (FG428); National Critical Materials Council (FG429); Commission on Merchant Marine and Defense (FG430); Commission for the Study of Alternatives to the Panama Canal (FG431); National Commission on Agricultural Finance (FG432); United States International Narcotics Control Commission (FG433); Advisory Board for Radio Broadcasting to Cuba (FG434); Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FG435); President's Special Review Board (FG436); Commission on Education of the Deaf (FG437); Korean War Veterans Memorial Advisory Board (FG438); Aviation Safety Commission (FG439); National Drug Policy Board (FG440); National Summit Conference on Education (FG441); Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (FG442); National Dam Safety Review Board (FG443); President's Commission on Compensation for Federal Executives (FG444); Dwight D. Eisenhower Centennial Commission (FG445); Presidential Commission on AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) (FG446); Coordinating Committee for Sub-Saharan Africa (FG447); Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Executive Education Foundation (FG448); Low Income Opportunity Board (FG449); Interagency Council on the Homeless (FG450); President's Commission on Privatization (FG451); National Economic Commission (FG452); National Commission on Agriculture Policy (FG453); Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native (FG454); International Cultural and Trade Center Commission (FG455); Working Group on Financial Markets (FG456); Farm and Credit System Assistance Board, Board of Directors (FG457); Federal Agricultural Mortgage Association Interim Board (FG458); National Commission on Migrant Education (FG459); James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (FG460); National Commission on Children (FG462); National Commission on Child and Youth Deaths (FG462); Commission on Agricultural Workers (FG463); Commission on Railroad Retirement Reform (FG464); Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (FG465); Council on Competitiveness (FG466); National Space Council (FG467); Commission on Alternative Utilization of Military Facilities (FG468); Interagency Trade Data Advisory Committee (FG469); President's Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism (FG470); President's Education Policy Advisory Committee (FG471); National Commission on Superconductivity (FG472); President's Advisory Committee on the Points of Light Foundation (FG473); Advisory Commission on Conferences in Ocean Shipping (FG474); National Committee on Responsibilities for Financing Post Secondary Education (FG475); President's Drug Advisory Council (FG476); National Commission on Agriculture and Rural Development Policy (FG477); President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (FG478); Resolution Trust Corporation (FG479); Resolution Trust Corporation, Inspector General (FG479-01); Resolution Trust Corporation, Oversight Board (FG479-02); Directors of the Federal Housing Finance Board (FG480); National Indian Gaming Commission (FG481); Interagency Commission on Alternative Motor Fuels (FG482); President's Advisory Commission on the Public Service (FG483); President's Council on Rural America (FG484); Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (FG485); President's Commission on the Federal Appointment Process (FG486); President's Commission on Environmental Quality (FG487); Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission (FG488); National Nutrition Monitoring Advisory Council (FG489); Federal Pay Council (FG490); National Commission Judicial Discipline and Removal (FG491); United States Office of Special Counsel (FG492); Council on Federal Recycling and Procurement Policy (FG493); National Commission on America's Urban Families (FG494); Board of Trustees, Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation (FG495); National Council on Surface Transportation Research (FG496); National Security Education Board (FG497); The High Resolution Information Systems Advisory Board (FG498); Western Water Policy Review Committee (FG499); Office of Nuclear Waste Negotiator (FG500); President's Council on Sustainable Development (FG501); National Partnership Council (FG502); President's Management Council (FG503); President's Community Empowerment Board (FG504); Interagency Working Group on Electronic Packaging (FG505); Interagency Assistance Coordination Group (FG506); Corporation for National and Community Service (FG507); National Science and Technology Council (FG508); President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (FG509); Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (FG510); President's Fair Housing Council (FG511); Board of Trustees of the Morris K. Udall Scholarship (FG512); Chemical Safety and Hazard Investment Board (FG513); Utah Reclamation and Mitigation Commission (FG514); Civil Liberties Public Education Fund Board (FG515); Ounce of Prevention Council (FG516); Federal Salary Council (FG517); World War II Memorial Advisory Board (FG518); Mickey Leland National Urban Air Toxics Research Center (FG519); Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy (FG520); National Skill Standards Board (FG521); Community Development Financial Institution Fund (FG522); Community Adjustment and Investment Program Advisory Committee (FG523); Social Security Administration (FG524); National Recreational Fisheries Coordination Council (FG525); Commission on U.S. - Pacific Trade and Investment Policy (FG526); National Bioethics Advisory Commission (FG527); Commission on Dietary Supplement Labels (FG528); Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (FG529); Information Security Policy Advisory Council (FG530); Security Policy Advisory Board (FG531); Chief Information Officers Council (FG532); Government Information technology Services Board (FG533); Information technology Resources Board (FG534); President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (FG535); The Principals Committee (FG535-01); The Steering Committee (FG535-02); Advisory Committee (FG535-03); White House Committee on Aviation Safety and Security (FG536); Advisory Committee on Consumer Protection and Quality (FG537); President's Information Technology Advisory Committee (FG538); Commission to Study Capital Budgeting (FG539); Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligation of Digital Television Broadcasting (FG540); Interagency Council on Administration Management (FG541); President's Advisory Board on Race (FG542); Federal Interagency Partnership on the Lake Tahoe Ecosystem (FG543); American Heritage Rivers Interagency Committee (FG544); American Heritage Rivers Initiative Advisory Committee (FG545); Enrichment Oversight Committee (FG546); President's Council on Food Safety (FG547); Advisory Committee on Expanding Training Opportunities (FG548); and Proposed Federal Agencies (FG999).

This series contains materials pertaining to superintending and managing national financial affairs. There is information on the following topics: collection, disbursements, and accounting; taxation; credit and loans; federal budget; securities, investments, and related finance subjects. The series contains 25 subject sub category headings: Finance (FI); Accounting and Audits (FI001); Collections, Receipts, and User Fees (FI001-01); Disbursements, Expenditures, and Deficit Spending (FI001-02); Financial Irregularities (Anti-Deficiency Act) (FI001-03); Banks and Banking (FI002); Bonds, Stocks, and Investments (FI003); Budget and Appropriations (FI004); Allocations (FI004-01); Budget Estimates (FI004-02); Credit and Loans (FI005); Agricultural Loans (FI005-01); Housing Loans (FI005-02); Schools and Student Teachers (FI005-03); Small Business Loans (FI005-04); Transportation Loans (FI005-05); Funds and Accounts (FI006); Interest Rates (FI007); Monetary Systems (FI008); Public Debt (FI009); Taxation (FI010); Excise Tax - Estate, Gift, Excess Profit (FI010-01); Income Tax (FI010-02); Real Estate Tax - Personal Property (FI010-03); and Sales Tax (FI010-04).

This series contains materials pertaining to international relations. These records include information on the plans, policies, procedures, and programs regarding foreign countries or governments. There is specific information on the following topics: the administration of foreign affairs; economic development; mutual security and foreign information and exchange activities. This series contains 37 subject sub category headings: Foreign Affairs (FO); Buildings and Grounds of United States Embassies (FO001); Diplomatic Affairs and Consular Relations (FO002); Personal - Special Rank of Ambassador or Minister (FO002-01); Economic and Technical Development (FO003); International Waterways (FO003-01); Mutual Security and Foreign Aid (FO003-02); Financial Relations (FO004); Balance of Payments (FO004-01); Loans and Funds (FO004-02); International Investments (FO004-03); Information and Exchange Activities (FO005); Educational (FO005-01); Scientific, Cultural, and Business Exchange Activity (FO005-02); International Publicity (FO005-03); International Conferences (FO006); U.S.-Russia in Vancouver, Canada, April 3-4, 1994 (FO006-01); G-7 Summit, Tokyo, Japan, July 6-9, 1994 (FO006-02); Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meeting, Seattle, Washington, November 17-20, 1993 (FO006-03); North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Summit, Brussels, Belgium, January 9-11-1994 (FO006-04); G-7 Job Conference, Detroit, Michigan, March 14-15, 1994 (FO006-05); Summit of the Americas, Miami, Florida, December 1994 (FO006-06); G-7 Summit, Naples Italy, July 8-10, 1994 (FO006-07); APEC Summit, Jakarta, Indonesia, November 11-16, 1994 (FO006-08); Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) Summit, Budapest, Hungary, December 4-5, 1994 (FO006-09); G-7 Economic Summit, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 1995 (FO006-10); United Nations 50 Summit, New York, New York, October 22-23, 1995 (FO006-11); APEC Meeting, Osaka, Japan, November 16-21, 1995 (FO006-12); Middle East Terrorism Summit, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, March 13, 1996 (FO006-13); G-7 Economic Summit, Lyon, France, June 27-29, 1996 (FO006-14); APEC Summit, Philippines, November 25, 1996 (FO006-15); Helsinki Summit, Helsinki, Finland, March 19-20, 1997 (F006-16); Denver Summit, Summit of the Eight, Denver, Colorado, June 19-22, 1997 (FO006-17); NATO Summit, Madrid, Spain, July 8-9, 1997 (FO006-18); APEC Summit, Vancouver, Canada, November 24-25, 1998 (FO006-19); Summit of the Americas, Santiago, Chile, April 18-19, 1998 (FO006-20); Summit of the Eight, Birmingham, United Kingdom, May 15-17, 1998 (FO006-21); U.S.- European Union Summit, London, England, May 18, 1998 (FO006-22);Middle East Peace Summit , Eastern Shore, Maryland, October 15-23, 1998 (FO006-23); APEC Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 17-18, 1998 (FO006-24); NATO Summit, Washington, DC, April 23-26, 1999 (FO006-25); Summit of the Eight, Cologne, Germany, June 18-20, 1999 (FO006-26); U.S. - European Union Summit, Bonn, Germany (June 21, 1999) (FO006-27); Balkan Stability Pact Summit, Sarajevo, July 29-30, 1999 (FO006-28); APEC Summit, Auckland, New Zealand, September 10-15, 1999 (FO006-29); International Law (FO007); International Travel (FO008); Foreign Travel of Administration Officials (FO008-01); Letters of Introduction, Travel (FO008-02); Passports and Visas (FO008-03); and Treaties (FO009).

This series contains materials pertaining to gifts to or from the President or the United States Government, whether presented or received by the President (or by others) acting on behalf of the American people. There are four subject sub category headings in this series: gifts (GI); gifts from the President (GI001); gifts to the President (GI002); and gifts to or from the United States (GI003).

This series contains materials on the following topics: consultative assistance for the prevention and control of disease; hospital operation; conducting research in biology and medicine (National Institute of Health program); blood donations, enforcing interstate quarantine, regulations and conducting medical and hospital care programs; pollution and controls; vivisection. There are 21 subject sub category headings in this series: Health (HE); Diseases and Disabilities (HE001); AIDS (HE001-01); Alcoholism (HE001-02); Cancer (HE001-03); Heart Disease (HE001-04); Mental Disorders (HE001-05); Physically Handicapped (HE001-06); Doctors, Dentists, and Nurses (HE002); Nutrition and Hunger (HE003); Health Services (HE004); Health of Aged (HE004-01); Environmental and Occupational Health (HE004-02); Hospitals (HE005); Medicines, Drugs, and Serums (HE006); Narcotics (HE006-01); Pollution Control and Sanitary Services (HE007); Air Pollution and Acid Rain (HE007-01); Sewage Systems (HE007-02); Water Pollution and Water Purification (HE007-03); and Radiological Health and Radon (HE008).

This series contains materials relating to public roads such as streets, highways, expressways, turnpikes, freeways, parkways, bridges, tunnels, over and under passes, sidewalks, routes, markers, plans, specifications, and requirements, landscaping, billboard restrictions, speed limits, and parking plans and requirements.

This series contains information pertaining to the issuance of presidential proclamations, messages, and letters vis-a-vis legal and recognized holidays and observances. Other types of records include congressional resolutions, presidential remarks in connection with White House signing ceremonies, and correspondence from constituents requesting copies of specific proclamations and messages. There are 58 subject sub category headings in this series: Holidays (HO); National Arbor Day (HO001); Armed Forces Day (HO002); Bill of Rights and Human Rights Day, Week, Year (HO003); Boy - Girl Scout Week (HO004); Cancer Control Month (HO005); Captive Nations Week (HO006); Chinese New Year (HO008); Christmas and New Year's (HO009); Christmas Greetings Received by and Sent to Heads of State (HO009-01); Citizenship Day and Constitution Week (HO010); Christopher Columbus Day (HO011); National Crime Prevention Week (HO012); Day of Prayer (HO013); National Defense Week (HO014); National Disability Employment Awareness Month (HO015); Drug Abuse Prevention Week (HO016); Easter (HO017); Education Week, American Education Day (HO018); Leif Erikson Day (HO019); National Farm Safety Week (HO020); Fathers Day (HO021); Fire Prevention Week (HO22); Flag Day, Week (HO023); National Forest Products Week (HO024); National Historic Preservation Week (HO025); Inauguration Day (HO026); Independence Day - United States, July 4th (HO027); Independence Day Greetings - Heads of State and Representatives (HO027-01); Thomas Jefferson's Birthday (HO027); Jewish Holidays (HO029); Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Holiday (HO030); Labor Day (HO031); Law Day (HO032); National Library Week (HO033); Lincoln's Birthday (HO034); Loyalty Day (HO035); Memorial Day (HO036); Mental Health Day / Week / Month (HO037); Mothers Day (HO038); Pan American Day / Week (HO039); General Pulaski Day (HO040); Red Cross Month, Day (HO041); National Safe Boating Week (HO042); Saint Patrick's Day (HO043); National School Lunch Week (HO044); Secretaries Week, Day (HO045); Thanksgiving Day (HO046); World Trade Week (E Star Awards) (HO047); United Nations Day, Week (HO048); Veterans Day (HO049); Volunteer Related, General (HO050); George Washington's Birthday (HO051); White Cane Safety Day (HO052); Women's Equality Day (HO053); Federal Women's Week / Day (HO054); and Wright Brothers Day (HO055).

This series contains materials pertaining to the approval of programs developed by local communities for the prevention and elimination of slums and blight conditions including urban renewal and slum clearance, housing trends, public housing and low rent programs, and certification of the maximum number of dwellings required for relocation of families displaced by government action.

This series contains materials pertaining to human and civil rights, citizenship, segregation, ideologies and voting rights. These records include correspondence from the public expressing views or complaints about such matters. There are 35 subject sub category headings in this series: Human Rights (HU); Equality (HU010); Equal Education (HU011); Equal Employment (HU012); Ethnic Origin Groups (HU013); Arab-American Groups (HU013-10); Asian-American Groups (HU013-20); Chinese-American Groups (HU013-21); Japanese-American Groups (HU013-22); African-American Groups (HU013-30); Canadian-American Groups (HU013-40); Eastern European-American Groups (HU013-50); Hungarian-American Groups (HU013-51); Lithuanian-American Groups (HU013-52); Polish-American Groups (HU013-53); Russian-American Groups (HU013-54); Jewish-American Groups (HU013-60); Latin-American and Hispanic Groups (HU013-70); Chicano Groups (HU013-71); Puerto Rican-American Groups (HU013-80); Western European-American Groups (HU013-90); Franco-American (HU013-91); German-American (HU013-92); Greek-American (HU013-93); Italian-American Groups (HU013-94); Irish-American Groups (HU013-95); Spanish-American (HU013-96); Other Ethnic Origin Groups (HU013-99); Right to Housing (HU014); Voting Rights (HU015); Women (HU016); Freedoms (HU020); Civil Disturbances and Riots (HU021); Genocide (HU030); and Ideologies (HU040).

This series contains materials pertaining to the administration of immigration and naturalization laws relating to the admission, exclusion, registration, and deportation of aliens and the naturalization of aliens lawfully resident in the United States. The series contains information about migration to and from the United States. Requests from foreigners for visas to visit or remain in the United States are also included in the series.

This series contains materials pertaining to American Indian affairs. These records include information related to land development and use, guidance and assistance in economic and social matters, educational and welfare services, reservations, resource management, law enforcement, and relocation services.

This series contains materials pertaining to health, life, accident, surgical, or hospital insurance. There is also information related to: war risk and war damage insurance; annuities and disability retirement; workmen's and unemployment insurance; crop-farm tenant; surety-bank deposits; and unemployment compensation. There are three subject subcategory headings in this series: Insurance (IS); Accident, Hospital, Medical, Health, Medicare, and Unemployment (IS001); and Disaster, Flood, Fire, and Marine (IS002).

This series contains materials pertaining to the establishment, disestablishment, organization, reorganization, location or relocation, and reports from, to, or about bilateral and multilateral organizations. There are 139 subject subcategory headings in this series: International Organizations (IT); African Development Bank (IT001); Asian Development Bank (IT002); Canada - United States Interparliamentary Conference (IT003); Central Treaty Organization (IT004); Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) (IT005); Customs Cooperation Council (IT006); Eighteen Nation Disarmament Committee (IT007); Common Market/Economic Community/European Economic Community (IT008); European Space Research Organization (IT009); Food and Agriculture Organization (IT010); Free Europe, Inc. (IT011); General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) (IT012); Great Lakes Fishery Commission (IT013); Hague Conference on Private International Law (IT014); Inter-American Commission of Women (IT015); Inter-American Defense Board (IT016); Inter-American Development Bank (IT017); Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IT018); Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (IT019); Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IT020); International Arbitral Tribunal (IT021); International Atomic Energy Agency (IT022); International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IT023); International Boundary Commission (United States - Canada) (IT024); International Boundary and Water Commission (United States - Mexico) (IT025); International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (IT026); International Civil Aviation Organization (IT027); International Coffee Organization (IT028); International Commission of Control and Supervision (IT029); International Commission for Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (IT030); International Commission for Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (IT031); United States - Finland International Commission for Peace (IT032); International Commission for Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (IT033); International Committee of the Red Cross (IT034); International Conference on Vietnam (IT035); International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (IT036); International Council of Scientific Unions (IT037); International Development Association (IT038); International Finance Corporation (IT039); International Hydrographic Bureau (IT040); International Institute for Cotton (IT041); United States - Canada International Joint Commission (IT042); International Labor Organization (IT043); International Monetary Fund (IMF) (IT044); International North Pacific Fisheries Commission (IT045); International Office of Epizootics (IT046); International Pacific Halibut Commission (IT047); International Secretariat for Volunteer Service (IT049); International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium (IT050); International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (IT051); International Telecommunications Union (IT052); International Whaling Commission (IT054); International Wheat Council (IT055); Interparliamentary Union Investment Bank (IT056); Japan - United States Friendship Commission (IT057); Joint Brazil - United States Defense Commission (IT058); Joint Committee on United States - Japan Cultural and Educational Cooperation (IT059); Joint Mexican - United States Defense Commission (IT060); Joint United States - Canada Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs (IT061); Joint United States - Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs (IT062); Joint United States - Philippine Commission (IT063); Joint United States - USSR Committee for Cooperative Studies of the World Oceans (IT064); Kennedy Memorial Trust in the United Kingdom (IT065); International Organization of Legal Metrology (IT066); North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (IT067); NATO Atlantic Ocean Command (IT067-01); North Pacific Fur Seal Commission (IT068); Organization of African Unity (OAU) (IT069); Organization of American States (OAS) (IT070); Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (IT071);Pan American Health Organization (IT072); Pan American Railway Congress Association (IT073); Pan American Union (IT074); United States - Canada Columbia River Permanent Engineering Board (IT076); Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses (IT077); United States - Canada Permanent Joint Board on Defense (IT078); Polish-American Trade Committee (IT079); Postal Union of the Americas and Spain (IT080); Romanian-American Economic Commission (IT081); Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission (IT082); South Pacific Commission (IT083); United International Bureau for the Protection of Intellectual Property (IT085); United Nations Secretariat (IT086); United States - Chinese (PRC) Trade Commission (IT087); United States - Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRVN) Trade Commission (IT088); United States - Iranian Joint Commission on Cooperation (IT089); United States - Mexican Joint Committee on Emergency Planning (IT090); United States - Mexico Commission for Border Development (IT091); United States Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (IT092); United States National Commission to UNESCO (IT093); United States - USSR Joint Commercial Commission (IT094); United States - USSR Joint Commission on Science and Technology (IT095); United States - USSR Joint Committee on Cooperation in Environmental Protection (IT096); United States - USSR Incidents-at-Sea Consultative Committee (IT097); United States - USSR Joint Committee on Agricultural Cooperation (IT098); United States - USSR Trade and Economics Council (IT099); Universal Postal Union (IT100); World Health Organization (WHO) (IT101); World Intellectual Property Organization (IT102); World Meteorological Organization (IT103); World Tourism Organization (IT105); African Development Fund (IT105); International Fertilizer Development Center (IT106); International Fund for Agricultural Development (IT107); United States Mission to the Organization of American States (OAS) (IT108); United States Mission to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IT109); United States Mission to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (IT110); United States Mission to the European Office of the United Nations (IT111); United States Mission to the European Communities (IT112); United States - China Joint Economic Committee (IT113); International Energy Agency (IT114); United States - Japan Economic Relations Group (IT115); United States - Panama Canal Consultative Committee (IT116); United States - Panama Joint Commission on the Environment (IT117); International Maritime Satellite Organization (IT118); Iran - United States Claims Tribunal (IT119); United States - China (PRC) Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (IT120); Multinational Forces and Observers Organization (MFO) (IT121); International Food Policy Research Institute (IT122); North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (IT123); International Criminal Police Organization (IT124); Inter-American Investment Corporation (IT125); United States - India Fund for Cultural, Educational, and Scientific Exchange (IT126); Pacific Salmon Commission (IT127); Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (IT128); Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (IT129); European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) (IT130); North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) (IT131); North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC) (IT132); Open Skies Consultative Commission (IT133); International Commission for Environmental Cooperation (IT134); International Commission for Labor Cooperation (IT135); International Border Environment Cooperation Commission (IT136); International North American Development Bank (IT 137); World Trade Organizations (WTO) (IT138); Israel- U.S. Binational Industrial Residential and Development Foundation (IT139); Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO) (IT140); Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (IT141); and South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP) (IT142).

This series contains materials pertaining to invitations to President William J. Clinton. The subject subcategory headings in this series are: Invitations (IV); 1993 Invitations (IV093); 1994 Invitations (IV094); 1995 Invitations (IV095); 1996 Invitations (IV096); 1997 Invitations (IV097); 1998 Invitations (IV098); 1999 Invitations (IV099); 2000 Invitations (IV000); and 2001 Invitations (IV001).

This series contains materials pertaining to the judiciary and judicial procedure. These records include information on crimes and criminal procedure including criminals, crime conditions, investigations, and wire tapping. There is also legal material of a general nature related to claims, mitigations, decisions, opinions, interpretations, and notaries. There are 21 subject subcategory headings in this series: Judicial and Legal Matters (JL); Amnesty, Clemency, and Pardons (JL001); Approved Pardon Applications (JL001-01); Disapproved Pardon Applications (JL001-02); Civil Matters (JL002); Anti-Trust Cases (JL002-01); Special Prosecutor and Independent Counsel (JL002-02); Criminal Matters (JL003); Assassination and Attempted Assassination (JL003-01); Hijacking and Skyjacking (JL003-02); Kidnapping and Hostages (JL003-03); Decisions, Opinions, and Interpretations (JL004); Attorney General's Opinion (JL004-01); Comptroller General Opinions (JL004-02); Judicial Opinion and Supreme Court Decisions (JL004-03); Juvenile Delinquency (JL005); Law Enforcement and Police Matters (JL006); Secret Service Protection (JL006-01); Lawyers and Legal Aid (JL007); Missing Persons (JL008); and War Claims and Alien Property (JL009).

This series contains materials pertaining to the general subject of non-Federal labor, employment status, unemployment, wage rates, earnings, and labor statistics. The records also include information concerning: arbitration; national and independent labor unions and labor management relations; investigations of labor racketeering practices. There are 13 subject subcategory headings in this series: Non-Government Labor - Management Relations (LA); Labor Boards and Panels (LA001); Emergency Boards and Commissions (LA001-01); Boards of Inquiry (LA001-02); Conditions of Employment and Unemployment (LA002); Aged Employment (LA002-01); Handicapped Labor (LA002-02); Youth Employment (LA002-03); Unions and Fair Labor Standards (LA003); Migratory and Seasonal Labor (LA004); Strikes, Work Stoppages, and Arbitration (LA005); Wages and Hours (LA006); and Pensions and Retirement (LA007).

This series contains materials pertaining to Federal legislative programs, private relief bills, and the general subject of legislation. The records also include information related to legislative matters such as voting records of members of Congress, lobbying, vetoes, and filibustering. Although this series does contain many copies of legislation, it does not contain a full and complete run of legislation received at the White House for signature or veto by the President. This series contains three subject subcategory headings: Legislation (LE); Private Relief Bills (LE001); and Vetoes and Repeals (LE002).

This series contains materials pertaining to local governments in the states and territories such as counties, parishes, cities, municipalities, and townships. These records include information concerning officials elected or appointed to posts of authority in these governments and matters such as civil defense relations and other Federal - local government relations.

This series contains materials pertaining to medals, awards, and trophies. The records include information related to those awarded in the name of the President, which are intended to preserve the remembrance of a notable event or person, or to serve as a reward, tribute, honor, acclaim, or special recognition. There are 63 subject subcategory headings in this series: Medals and Awards (MA); Albert Lasker Medical Research Award (MA001); Alfred B. Nobel Prize (MA002) All America Cities Award (MA003);Arthur S. Flemming Award (MA004) Boy - Girl of the Year (MA005); Brotherhood Awards (MA006); Businessman Awards (MA007); Career Service Awards (MA008); Clifford B. Harmon Trophy (MA009); Commander-in-Chief's Award for Installation Excellence (MA 010); Congressional Gold Medal (MA011); Congressional Space Medal of Honor (MA012); Courage Award (MA013); Distinguished and Public Service Awards (MA014); Driver of the Year (MA015); Eleanor Roosevelt Awards (MA016); Employer of the Year (MA017); Enrico Fermi Award (MA018); Ernest Orlando Lawrence Memorial Award (MA019); Family of Man Award (MA020); Farm Family of the Year (MA021); Father of the Year (MA022); Foreign Service Awards (MA023); Francis Bellamy Flag Award (MA024); Franklin Roosevelt Awards (MA025); Freedom Awards (MA026); Gardiner Greene Hubbard Gold Medal (MA027); George Foster Peabody Broadcasting Award (MA028); George Washington Honor Medal Awards (MA029); Golden Door Award (MA030); National Goodwill Worker of the Year (MA031); Heart of the Year Award (MA032); Humanitarian Awards (MA033); Incentive Awards (MA034); John F. Kennedy Awards (MA035); Joseph Pulitzer Prizes (MA036); Life Saving Medals (MA037); Man of the Year Awards (MA038); National Medal of Science Award (MA039); Military Service Awards (MA040); Mother of the Year Awards (MA041); National Security Medal (MA042); Olympic and Pan American Games Award (MA043); Outstanding Handicapped Federal Employees of the Year Award (MA044); Paperwork Management Award (MA045); Peace Corps Certificates (MA046); Physical Fitness Awards (MA047); Presidential Citizens Medal (MA048); Presidential "E" Awards for Export Service (MA049); Presidential Prizes for Innovation in Research and Development (MA050); Presidential Quality and Management Improvement Award (MA051); Presidential Scholars Awards (MA052); President's Cup Regatta (MA053); President's Environmental Merit Awards (MA054); President's Safety Award (MA055); President's Trophy (MA056); Robert J. Collier Trophy (MA057); Robert Goddard Memorial Trophy (MA058); Teacher of the Year Award (MA059); Thomas A. Edison Prize (MA060); Volunteer Awards (MA061); and Woman of the Year (MA062).

This series contains material pertaining to meetings, briefings, conferences, congresses, conventions, and forums. There are four subject subcategory headings in this series: Meetings and Conferences (MC); Governors' Conferences (MC001); Mayors' Conferences (MC002); and White House Briefings and Conferences (MC003).

This series contains material pertaining to messages, greetings, statements and similar communications sent from President William J. Clinton or on his behalf for special events. There are 16 subject subcategory headings in this series: Messages (ME); Messages Sent to Individuals (ME001); Wedding Anniversaries (ME001-01); Birthday Greetings (ME001-02); Condolence Messages for Death (ME001-03); Get Well Messages for Illness (ME001-04); Wedding Congratulations (ME001-05); Messages Sent to Groups and Organizations (ME002); Churches and Synagogues (ME002-01); Colleges, Schools, Universities, and Libraries (ME002-02); Foreign and Domestic Governmental Groups (ME002-03); Hospitals and Health Care Institutions (ME002-04); Labor Unions, Trade Groups, and Professional Associations (ME002-05); Newspapers, Magazines, Radio, and Television Stations (ME002-06); Trade Fairs, Missions, Centers, Expositions, and Exhibitions (ME002-07); and Messages Denied (ME003).

This series contains material pertaining to national security functions including the safeguarding of classified information, restrictions on the use of military aircraft, and troop transportation and military operations which involve the planning, preparation, and conduct of warfare. There is also information on the planning, mobilization, and management of resources and production for defense needs and for material related to the protection of life and property by preparing for and carrying out non-military functions to prevent, minimize, repair, and recover from damage caused by enemy attack, including post attack mobilization plans and status of forces agreement. There are 44 subject subcategory headings in this series: National Security and Defense (ND); Military Aircraft (ND001); Non-Military Use of Aircraft (ND001-01); Civil Defense (ND002); Communications and Electronics (ND003); Defense Mobilization (ND004); Military Health and Medical (ND005); Intelligence (ND006); Military Personnel (ND007); Military Casualties and Burials (ND007-01); Conduct, Deportment, and Behavior (ND007-02); Military Housing and Quarters (ND007-03); Martial Courts (ND007-04); Pay, Allowances, and Pensions (ND007-05); Promotions, Demotions, and Nominations (by the President) (ND007-06); Separations, Discharges, and Retirements (ND007-07); Military Preparedness (ND008); Properties and Installations (ND009); Air Force Bases (ND009-01); Army Bases (ND009-02); Navy and Marine Bases (ND009-03); Reserve Forces and National Guard (ND010); Military Security (ND011); Classified Information (ND011-01); Military Personnel Security (ND011-02); Service Schools (ND012); Air Force Academy (ND012-01); Air War College (ND012-02); Armed Forces Staff College (ND012-03); Army War College (ND012-04); Coast Guard Academy (ND012-05); Industrial College of the Armed Forces (ND012-06); Merchant Marine Academy (ND012-07); Military Academy (ND012-08); National War College (ND012-09); Naval Academy (ND012-10); Naval War College (ND012-11); Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (ND012-12); Ships and Submarines (ND013); Supplies and Logistics (ND014); Wheel, Track, and Amphibious Vehicles (ND015); Wars and Conflicts (ND016); Weapons, Ordnance, and Munitions (ND017); and Conscription, Induction, Draft, Deferment, and Universal Military Training (UMT) (ND018).

This series contains materials pertaining to conserving, developing, reserving, protecting, and discovering natural resources. There are 11 subject subcategory headings in this series: Natural Resources (NR); Commissions, Committees, and Compacts (NR001); Fish and Wildlife (NR002); Forests (NR003); Land (NR004); Minerals and Metals (NR005); Oil and Natural Gas (NR006); Naval Petroleum Reserves (NR006-01); Rivers, Waters, and Harbors (NR007); Water Projects (NR007-01); and Recycling (NR008).

This series contains material pertaining to plans, programs, research, exploration and development of outer space. These records include information on the following topics: programs of air space; accidents; launching sites; tracking station; and unidentified flying objects (UFOs). There are two subject subcategory headings in this series: Outer Space (OS) and Space Flight (OS001).

This series contains material pertaining to memorials, monuments, historic sites, parks, reservations, and cemeteries. There are four subject subcategory headings in this series: Parks and Monuments (PA); Cemeteries (PA001); Memorials and Monuments (PA002); and Parks and Reservations (PA003).

This series contains materials pertaining to the promotion of peace in the world and achieving disarmament through efforts such as atomic power and nuclear energy, improving the standard of living, and raising the status of man.

This series contains materials pertaining to the general subject of federal government employees and the federal civil service. There is information on the following topics: the merit system; investigations; standards; nepotism; personnel activities; incentive awards program; and separations. There are 19 subject subcategory headings in this series: Civil Service Personnel Management (PE); Federal Employee Relations and Activities (PE001); Political Activities by Federal Personnel (PE001-01); Employment and Appointments (PE002); Schedule C Appointments (PE002-01); Health and Safety (PE003); Federal Employees Hours of Duty (PE004); Federal Employees Insurance (PE005); Federal Personnel Investigations (PE006); Federal Employees Leave (PE007); Salaries and Wages (PE008); Cabinet Salary (PE008-01); Congressional Salary (PE008-02); Federal Civil Service Employees Salary (PE008-03); Judicial Salary (PE008-04); Presidential Salary (PE008-05); Vice President's Salary (PE008-06); Federal Personnel Separations (PE009); and Training and Orientation (PE010).

This series contains material pertaining to political matters of national, state, and local interest. Included are records pertaining to conventions, elections, voting, messages, campaigns, platforms, candidates, political parties, committees, clubs. and dinners. There are 14 subject subcategory headings in this series: Political Affairs (PL); Political Conventions (PL001); Fundraising and Expenditures (PL002); Political Messages Sent or Denied (PL003); Patronage (PL004); Political parties (PL005); Communist Party (PL005-01); Democratic Party (PLP005-02); Independent Party (PL005-03); Republican Party (PL005-04); Socialist Party (PL005-05); Political Publicity and Publications (PL006); Political Candidates Debated (PL007); and Political Voting (PL008).

This series contains materials pertaining to postal affairs such as controlled circulation of publications, rates and fees, penalties, franked and official mail, free mail for the blind, collections, deliveries, commemorative stamps, and special services.

This series contains material pertaining to the general subject of procuring, managing, and disposing of excess surplus material, equipment, supplies and services by contract, purchase, or other negotiations. These records also include information related to storage and distribution of this surplus.

This series contains material pertaining to the general subject of public relations and human interest. These records include requests of various kinds to the White House. There are 40 subject subcategory headings in this series: Public Relations (PR); Outgoing Administration Appreciation Letters (PR001); Administration Complaints and Criticism (PR002); Incoming Administration Support (PR003); Anonymous and Illegible Communications (PR004); Presidential Autographs, Photographs, and Holographs (PR005); Presidential Photographs Granted (PR005-01); Contests and Essays (PR006); Exhibits, Fairs, and Expositions (PR007); Graphics (PR008); Lists of Names and Mailing Lists (PR009); Motion Pictures, Film Strips, and Recordings (PR010); Ceremonial Pens (PR011); Petitions, Resolutions, and Multiple Signatures (PR012); Petitions and Resolutions from State Officials (PR012-01); Petitions and Resolutions from Local Government Officials (PR012-02); Requests for Presidential Favors (PR013); Requests to the President from Children (PR013-01); Requests for Donations and Gifts from the President (PR013-02); Dedications to the President (PR013-03); Request to Entertain (PR013-04); Presidential Excerpts (PR013-05); Requests for Presidential Forewords (PR013-06); Impersonation of the President (PR013-07); Opinions, Statements, Questionnaires, and Articles (PR013-08); President's Name and Likeness (PR013-09); Request to Sell to the President (PR013-10); Sit for Portrait Painters and Sculptors (PR013-11); Request for Presidential Sponsorship (PR013-12); Request for Pushing of Button (PR013-13); Request for Flags Flown over the White House (PR013-14); Request for Presidential Gifts (PR013-15); Public Opinion Polls (PR014); Publicity (PR015); Broadcasts and Telecasts (PR015-01); Presidential News Summary (PR015-02); Press Accreditation and Passes (PR015-03); Press Briefings (PR015-04); Seminars, Lectures, Forums, Debates, Town Meetings, and Symposiums (PR016); and Requests for Speakers (PR017).

This series contains materials pertaining to the preparation, printing, reproducing, distribution, and revision of published materials. This series has eight subject subcategory headings in this series: Publications (PU); Federal Agency Publications (PU001); Congressional Directory (PU001-01); Congressional Record (PU001-02); Federal Register (PU001-03); Public Papers of the Presidents (PU001-04); Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (PU001-05); White House Releases (PU001-06); and Publications-Clippings to the President (PU001-07).

This series contains material pertaining to the planning, development, and administration of public buildings and lands. These records include information on the design and construction of public buildings, real property acquisition and utilization, concessions, public buildings and industrial property management, and related activities. There are seven subject subcategory headings in this series: Real Property (RA); Real Property Acquisitions and Requirements (RA001); Buildings and Plant Management (RA002); Capitol (RA002-01); Guest Houses and Blair House (RA002-02); Vice President's House (RA002-03); and Real Property Disposal and Surplus (RA003).

This series contains materials pertaining to amusements, hobbies, sports, and recreation. Tickets, passes, and licenses for specific events are included in these records. There are 24 subject subcategory headings in this series: Recreation and Sports (RE); Baseball and Softball (RE001); Basketball (RE002); Bathing and Swimming (RE003); Boating (RE004); Bowling, Billiards, and Pool (RE005); Boxing, Wrestling, Karate, and Judo (RE006); Cards, Checkers, and Chess (RE007); Dancing (RE008); Egg Rolling (RE009); Football (RE010); Golf (RE011); Gymnastics (RE012); Hockey (RE013); Hunting and Fishing (RE014); Olympic Games (RE015); Racing (RE016); Riding (RE017); Rifle and Pistol Matches (RE018); Skating and Skiing (RE019); Soccer (RE020); Tennis (RE021); Track and Field Meets (RE022); and Walking and Jogging (RE023).

This series contains materials pertaining to religions and religious matters. There are 20 subject subcategory headings in this series: Religious Matters (RM); Bibles (RM010); Prayers and Prayer Periods (RM020); Religions and Denominations (RM030); Catholic (RM031); Hindu (RM032); Jewish (RM033); Moslem (Muslim) (Islamic) (RM034); Protestant Groups (RM035); Adventist Bodies (RM035-01); Baptist Bodies (RM035-02); Eastern Orthodox Churches (RM035-03); Episcopalian (RM035-04); Friends (RM035-05); Jehovah's Witnesses (RM035-06); Latter Day Saints (Mormons) (RM035-07); Lutheran Bodies (RM035-08); Mennonites (RM035-09); Methodist Bodies (RM035-10); and Presbyterian Bodies (RM035-11).

This series contains material pertaining to reports and statistics in general and reporting requirements and reports which cover more than one or a variety of subjects.

This series contains materials pertaining to fire prevention, standards of industrial safety, hazardous occupations, safety codes, studies, services, and search and rescue. The records also include information related to demonstrations and technical assistance in research programs to determine the extent and cause of accidents, their prevention, and control. There are six subject subcategory headings in this series: Safety and Accident Prevention (SA); Fire Safety (SA001); Highway Traffic Safety (SA002); Industrial Occupational Safety (SA003); Marine Safety (SA004); and Mine Safety (SA005).

This series contains materials pertaining to all phases of scientific study; research and development; the Coastal and Geodetic Surveys compilation and publication of nautical charts; earth and earth sciences including expeditions, explorations, maps, cartographs, globes, geography, charts, electronics, engineering, physics, and chemistry; daylight saving, 13 month year, and the 24 hour clock.

This series contains materials pertaining to White House social affairs such as dinners, luncheons, teas, receptions, and evenings at the White House. This series also includes invitations to attend events, guest lists, and requests for permission to invite others to White House events. There are six subject subcategory headings in this series: Social Affairs (SO); White House Breakfasts (SO001); White House Dinners (SO002); White House Luncheons (SO003); White House Receptions (SO004); and White House Teas, Garden Parties, and Concerts (SO005).

The series contains information pertaining to speeches, messages to Congress, addresses, talks, and statements made by President William J. Clinton or read for him. Also included are background materials; drafts of speeches; clearances; speech suggestions; and letters and telegrams of congratulations, support, or criticism.

This series contains materials pertaining to the organization of state and territory agencies (including possessions, commonwealths, and trust territories), departments, offices, and commissions. There is information on the organization, reorganization, functions, and responsibilities of these entities. The records also include information regarding states rights, state legislative matters, federal - state relations, reports, statistics, and state flags. There are 55 subject subcategory headings in this series: State Governments (ST); Alabama (ST001); Alaska (ST002); Arizona (ST003); Arkansas (ST004); California (ST005); Colorado (ST006); Connecticut (ST007); Delaware (ST008); Florida (ST009); Georgia (ST010); Hawaii (ST011); Illinois (ST013); Indiana (ST014); Iowa (ST015); Kansas (ST016); Kentucky (ST017); Louisiana (ST018); Maine (ST019); Maryland (ST020); Massachusetts (ST021); Michigan (ST022); Minnesota (ST023); Mississippi (ST024); Missouri (ST025); Montana (ST026); Nebraska (ST027); Nevada (ST028); New Hampshire (ST029); New Jersey (ST030); New Mexico (ST031); New York (ST032); North Carolina (ST033); North Dakota (ST034); Ohio (ST035); Oklahoma (ST036); Oregon (ST037); Pennsylvania (ST038); Rhode Island (ST039); South Carolina (ST040); South Dakota (ST041); Tennessee (ST042); Texas (ST043); Utah (ST044); Vermont (ST045); Virginia (ST046); Washington (ST047); West Virginia (ST048); Wisconsin (ST049); Wyoming (ST050); Territories and Islands (ST051); Guam (ST051-01); Puerto Rico (ST051-02); and Virgin Islands (ST051-03).

This series contains materials pertaining to international trade. There is information on the following topics: tariff and quotas or other restrictions on imports into the United States and its possessions; exports and export licenses from the United States; the Antidumping Act; reciprocal trade agreements. There are 23 subject subcategory headings in this series: Trade (TA); Boycotts and Embargoes (TA001); Buy American Program (TA002); Exports (TA003); Tariffs and Imports (TA004); Chemicals and Allied Products Trade (TA004-01); Coal Trade (TA004-02); Food and Kindred Products Trade (TA004-03); Furniture Trade (TA004-04); Lumber, Wood, and Paper (TA004-05); Machinery (Motors) Trade (TA004-06); Metal Products Trade (TA004-07); Miscellaneous Manufactures Trade (TA004-08); Guns and Related Products (Civilian Use) (TA004-09); Petroleum (Gas and Oil) (TA004-10); Plastics and Rubber (TA004-11); Stone, Clay, and Glass Products (TA004-12); Textiles, Apparel, and Leather Products (TA004-13); Tobacco Trade (TA004-14); Transportation Equipment Trade (Finished Product) (TA004-15); Electronics (TA004-16); Trade Agreements (TA005); and Trade Centers - Fairs and Missions (TA006).

This series contains materials pertaining to passenger and freight transportation by rail, highway, or water including such services as stevedoring, backing, loading and unloading, and pipe line transportation and warehousing in transit. There are seven subject subcategory headings in this series: Transportation (TN); Highway Transportation (TN001); Motor Pool (TN001-01); Interurban Transportation (Subway) (TN002); Pipeline (TN003); Railroad (TN004); and Water (TN005).

This series contains materials pertaining to trips (planned or made) by President William J. Clinton. Included in these materials are documents related to trip plans, stops and visits enroute, schedules, itineraries, traveling companions, press coverage, and photographic coverage of the trip.

This series contains materials pertaining to public utilities in the communications and power (energy) fields. There is information on the following topics: communications by wire or radio; facilities and charges; generating, transmitting, and distributing electric power; production and sale of private power; natural and artificial gas production and distribution. There are eight subject subcategory headings in this series: Utilities (UT); Communications and Telecommunications (UT001); Radio and Television (UT001-01); Telegraph and Cables (UT001-02); Telephone (UT001-03); Electricity (UT002); Gas, Oil (Utility) (as opposed to Natural Gas) (UT003); and Water Supply (UT004).

This series contains materials pertaining to veteran benefits and assistance. There are four subject subcategory headings in this series: Veterans Affairs (VA); Veterans Compensation and Pension (VA001); Veterans Educational Programs (VA002); Hospitalization and Rehabilitation (VA003).

This series contains materials pertaining to improving the welfare, environment, and physical fitness of all people. The records also include information related to the development of community welfare services, the physically handicapped, family planning, national goals, and social trends. There are 13 subject subcategory headings in this series: Welfare (WE); Children (Welfare Services, Adoption, Abuse) (WE001); Correctional Institutions (WE002); Family Planning (WE003); Fund Drives (WE004); Geriatrics (WE005); Physical Fitness (WE006); Social Security (WE007); Vocational Rehabilitation (WE008); Youth Programs (WE009); Poverty Programs (WE010); Homeless (WE011); and Family (WE012).

This series contains materials pertaining to the operation and administration of the White House, the Old Executive Office Building, and other temporary offices of the President. There are 18 subject subcategory headings in this series: White House Administration (WH); White House Budget (WH001); White House Buildings and Grounds (WH002); White House Buildings Management (WH002-01); White House Furnishings (WH002-02); Temporary Offices of the President (WH002-03); Tours of the White House, Executive Office Building (OEB), and New Executive Office Building (NEOB) (WH002-04); White House Contracts (WH003); White House Office Management (WH004); White House Mail Reports (WH004-01); White House Personnel Management (WH005); Security, Protection, and Passes for the White House and EOB (WH006); Supplies, Materials, and Services (WH007); White House Telecommunications (WH008); White House Transportation (WH009); White House Aircraft and Helicopter (WH009-01); White House Automobiles (WH009-02); and Presidential Yacht (WH009-03).

This series contains material pertaining to material of a personal or quasi-personal nature that was written to the President or his family. The following subject subcategory headings can be found in this series: Presidential Personal (PP); Articles, Books, and Booklets Written by the President (PP001); Articles, Books, and Booklets Written about the President and his Family (PP002); Contributions by the President (PP003); Doubles of the President (PP004); Presidential Family (PP005); First Lady (PP005-01); Chelsea Clinton (Daughter) (PP005-02); Virginia Kelley (Mother) (PP005-03); Roger Clinton (Brother) (PP005-04); President's Income Tax (PP006); Presidential Summonses and Subpoenas (PP007); President's Insurance (PP008); President's Memberships (PP009); Memberships Accepted (PP009-01); Memberships Declined (PP009-02); Messages Received by the President (PP010); Birthday Messages Received by the President (PP010-01); Condolence and Sympathy Messages Received by the President (PP010-02); Messages Received about Election, Nomination, and Primaries (PP010-03); Holiday Messages Received by the President (PP010-04); Inaugural Messages Received by the President (PP010-05); Wedding Anniversary Messages Received by the President (PP010-06); Special First Family Event Messages Received by the President (PP010-07); Named in Honor of the President (PP011); Presidential Personal Data (PP012); Degrees Tendered or Conferred on the President (PP012-01); President's Education (PP012-02); Presidential Genealogical Data (PP012-03); President's Health (PP012-04); Presidential Homes (PP012-05); Medals, Citations, Decorations, and Awards (PP012-06); President's Military Service (PP012-07); President's Religious Affiliation (PP012-08); Trust Fund and Financial Affairs (PP012-09); President's Wearing Apparel (PP012-10); Presidential Biographies (PP012-11); Presidential Post-Administration Suggestions (PP013); Preferences and Hobbies (PP014); President's Favorite Anecdotes and Jokes (PP014-01); President's Favorite Arts, Artists, Paintings (PP014-02); President's Favorite Bible Passages and Prayers (PP014-03); President's Favorite Books, Authors, Poetry, Prose, and Fiction (PP014-04); President's Favorite Card Games (PP014-05); President's Favorite Dancing (PP014-06); President's Favorite Flowers (PP014-07); President's Favorite and Unfavorite Food, Recipes, and Cooking (PP014-08); President's Favorite Motion Pictures and Theatre (PP014-09); President's Favorite Music and Composers (PP014-10); President's Favorite Numismatics (PP014-11); President's Favorite Pets (PP014-12); President's Favorite Philately (PP014-13), President's Favorite Photography (PP014-14), President's Favorite Quotations (PP014-15); President's Favorite Sports (PP014-16); President's Favorite Writing (PP014-17); and President's Voting (PP015).