Clinton presidential records that have been digitized may be accessed on the National Archives Catalog (NAC). The NAC contains descriptions for NARA's nationwide holdings. Digitized Clinton presidential records may be located by subject or by staff and office. While most digitized Clinton presidential records may be found on the National Archives Catalog, some digitized content may be found on the Clinton Digital Library. The Clinton Digital Library is a website that provides searchable access to digitized finding aids, digitized declassified documents, online exhibits, topical research guides and a small collection of digitized photographs from the White House Photograph Office. Following an Electronic Commerce event, Vice President Gore gives President Clinton a computer presentation in the Vice President's West Wing office, November 30, 1998, Photographer: Barbara Kinney. Following an Electronic Commerce event, Vice President Gore gives President Clinton a computer presentation in the Vice President's West Wing office, November 30, 1998, Photographer: Barbara Kinney. Search by Subject View digitized Clinton presidential records organized by subject categories provided by the White House Office of Records Management. Search by Staff and Office Search for staff that worked for President Clinton's administration. Link to digitized Clinton presidential records kept by each staff member. Presidential Library Explorer Use the National Archives Catalog (NAC) Presidential Library Explorer to conduct keyword searches of all of the digitized Clinton presidential records. Clinton Digital Library site that provides searchable access to digitized finding aids, digitized declassified documents, online exhibits, topical research guides and a small collection of digitized photographs from the White House Photograph Office.