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Records Not Found in Our Finding Aids

If the information you are looking for is not among the documents we have already processed and opened for research, it may or may not exist in our files. In order to facilitate a search for the document(s) you will need to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Learn how to file a FOIA and find out more information on FOIAs.

Gubernatorial Information and Records

For information about President Clinton’s time as Governor of Arkansas, please contact Glenn Whaley at the Bill Clinton State Government Project:

Glenn Whaley, Manager, Bill Clinton State Government Project, Central Arkansas Library System, 100 Rock Street, Little Rock, Arkansas

Phone: (501) 320-5741

Campaign Material

As per the Presidential Records Act, campaign material is considered “personal record” rather than “presidential record,” and as such is not housed within our facility. You can contact the Clinton Foundation regarding whom you should speak to about this information.

Learn more about the Presidential Records Act, including an in depth description of what is and is not considered records.

Another source you may find useful is the University of Arkansas Libraries Special Collections in Fayetteville. The University houses a manuscript collection of their professor, the late Diane D. Blair, who was a close friend of Hillary and Bill Clinton and a senior researcher on the 1992 Presidential campaign. You can find more information on this collection

Presidential Transition and Post-Presidential Records

Neither Presidential transitional material from 1992 nor Post-Presidential material are considered Presidential record and, as such, are not included in the Clinton Library’s collection. Please contact the Clinton Foundation regarding who you should speak to about this information.

Vice President Al Gore Records and Contact Information

This facility does not house Vice President Al Gore’s records. Vice Presidential Records are in the possession of the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C. For further information, you may contact the Presidential Materials staff at

Vice President Gore may be contacted at the following address:

Honorable Al Gore, 2100 West End Avenue, Suite 260, Nashville, TN 37203


Guest Speakers at the Clinton Library

Guest speakers are organized and hosted by the Clinton School of Public Service. The school is located on the grounds of the Clinton Presidential Library and Museum and is affiliated with the University of Arkansas System. You can find out more information about upcoming speakers and public events at the school by visiting their website. You can also sign up for their e-newsletter from this page.

Genealogical Research

This facility is the repository of records created by members of the Clinton Administration, 1993-2001. The Butler Center for Arkansas Studies, a department of the Central Arkansas Library System, is an excellent resource for genealogical research in Arkansas. Learn more about their online Genealogy & Research Tools.

The Arkansas State Archives is another excellent site to conduct genealogical research. This is the official archives of Arkansas and is a state agency and administered by the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism. 


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