President Clinton meets with the the Summit of Eight Leaders at the Denver Public Library. President Clinton is joined by President Jacques Chirac, President Jacques Santer, Prime Minister Tony Blair, Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto, Chancellor Helmut Kohl, President Boris Yeltsin, Prime Minister Jean Chretien, Prime Minister Romano Prodi, and Prime Minister Wim Kok for a group photo with the Denver Skyline in the background, June 21, 1997, Photographer Bob McNeely. President Clinton meets with the the Summit of Eight Leaders at the Denver Public Library. President Clinton is joined by President Jacques Chirac, President Jacques Santer, Prime Minister Tony Blair, Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto, Chancellor Helmut Kohl, President Boris Yeltsin, Prime Minister Jean Chretien, Prime Minister Romano Prodi, and Prime Minister Wim Kok for a group photo with the Denver Skyline in the background, June 21, 1997, Photographer Bob McNeely. President Clinton regularly met with and telephoned Foreign Heads of State. The following searchable table contains a list of all meetings and telephone calls with foreign leaders. Meetings that were only photo or ceremonial events are not included in this list. Researchers will find links to video, transcripts and press releases concerning these historic interactions between heads of state on this table. Researchers will find declassified memoranda of conversations (Memcons) and memoranda of telephone conversations (Telcons) on this table.