The archived versions of the first White House websites created by the Clinton Administration contain five versions of their website, spanning the years 1994-2001. The first White House Website was developed in 1994, during the Clinton Administration. The White House took snapshots of each version. These versions are historical materials, frozen in time, which means that they are no longer updated and links to other sites will not work. Some images were not provided to the National Archives and Records Administration and may appear as broken images or links. View Archived Website Welcome to the White House Website Version 1 Version 1 is representative of the Clinton Administration's first White House website. The information contained within this snapshot is as it existed in November 1995. (Note: As of September 2021, NARA disabled support for the IPv4 Internet Protocol, and now only supports the IPv6 Internet Protocol for accessing this website. If you receive a network error or have other issues when attempting to access this website, please contact your Internet Service Provider for assistance.) View Archived Website View Archived Website Welcome to the White House Website Version 2 Version 2 is representative of the second major release of the Clinton Administration's White House website. This generation of the White House website introduced the White House as the "Gateway to Government." The information contained within this snapshot is as it existed in August of 1999. (Note: As of September 2021, NARA disabled support for the IPv4 Internet Protocol, and now only supports the IPv6 Internet Protocol for accessing this website. If you receive a network error or have other issues when attempting to access this website, please contact your Internet Service Provider for assistance.) View Archived Website View Archived Website Welcome to the White House Website Version 3 Version 3 is representative of the Clinton Administration's White House website as it existed in July of 2000. View Archived Website View Archived Website Welcome to the White House Website Version 4 Version 4 provides examples of Audio (July through December, 2000), Video (August through November, 2000) and other online documents (August) as provided for by various features on the White House website. View Archived Website View Archived Website Welcome to the White House Website Version 5 Version 5 is the final version of the Clinton Administration's White House historical websites. It represents the website as it appeared during the last days of the Clinton Administration. Press briefings and radio addresses are included. View Archived Website