Third - Fifth Grades

The Clinton Presidential Library offers a variety of in-person and virtual educational experiences for elementary, middle, and high school classes for 10 or more students in the same grade. In addition, the library provides in-person and virtual professional development workshops for educators. All programs for students and teachers are free.

Follow us on Facebook and for updates. Visit our support partner, the Clinton Foundation  to learn about additional in-person and virtual opportunities for students and teachers.

Education Programs

(Click on the program title to schedule your virtual experience and view information about accessibility accommodations)

The Constitution and Our Community for Grades 3-5 

Virtual Educational Program
30 - 45 minutes

In this program, students will explore the idea of community, hone their primary source analysis skills by examining government records, and connect the Constitution to their own lives. 

The First Amendment: Five Rights in One!

Virtual Educational Program
30 - 45 minutes

Students will explore the First Amendment freedoms from the Bill of Rights in this interactive and engaging civics program based on historical primary sources from the National Archives. Students will learn about the importance of First Amendment rights, identify examples in photographs and short written documents, and discover how to exercise those freedoms.

Guided Tour

Student Presidential Tour

In-Person (1 hour) and Virtual (30 minutes) Educational Program

This signature program inspires students to learn more about the life and legacy of the 42nd President of the United States by introducing them to the important issues and policies addressed by the Clinton Administration. 

Third Grade Student Presidential Curriculum Connections
Fourth Grade Student Presidential Tour Curriculum Connections
Fifth Grade Student Presidential Tour Curriculum Connections