William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum Receives Highest Green Building Rating The William J. Clinton Presidential Library, a part of the National Archives, has been designated as one of the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly places to work in the United States by the U.S. Green Buildings Council under its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Program. The 153,779 sq. ft. Library, designed by architect James Polshek, is the first federal building to receive a platinum rating, the highest in the LEED for Existing Buildings (LEED-EB) Green Building rating system. Only 29 other buildings in the world have achieved the LEED platinum designation. Image “This is a significant achievement for the National Archives and the Clinton Foundation,” said Terri Garner, Director of the Clinton Presidential Library. “NARA is committed to maintaining this facility at the highest performance level possible and hopefully become a beacon to other federal facilities that may want to go green and enhance their own performance.” The first LEED Rating system was launched in 2000 and was specifically designed for the construction of new buildings. The Clinton Library achieved a Silver Certification under the LEED for New Construction rating when it opened in July, 2004. The National Archives, in partnership with the Clinton Foundation, were responsible for implementing the certification process. The LEED-EB application included the Clinton Library, owned and operated by the National Archives, and the surrounding 27 acre park grounds that is administered and maintained by the Clinton Foundation. The efforts to obtain the credit points necessary to achieve a platinum certification began in February of this year. Meeting those objectives required Facility Manager, Steve Samford, LEED AP, to implement several new programs and procedures that included efficient use of energy, building commissioning to insure optimum equipment performance, an integrated pest management program, purchasing of environmentally preferred products, waste stream management and ongoing indoor environmental quality (IEQ). The IEQ programs included green cleaning with environmentally friendly cleaning products, use of low VOC content maintenance products such as paint, adhesives and sealants used for day-to-day maintenance and increased use of recycled content paper products. Waste reduction was accomplished by increased recycling and source reduction for paper, light bulbs, batteries, metal, cardboard, plastic, glass, etc. The Clinton Foundation implemented several initiatives for water savings and energy conservation in the Clinton Library park grounds. The Clinton Foundation also provided overall funding for the LEED application. Image Over 100 people, including National Archives personnel, museum volunteers, and support staff work in the Clinton Library. The facility has seen over one million visitors since its opening in November 2004. The LEED® green building certification program is a voluntary, consensus-based national rating system for buildings designed, constructed and operated for improved environmental and human health performance. LEED addresses all building types and emphasizes state-of-the- art strategies in five areas: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials and resources selection, and indoor environmental quality.
William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum Receives Highest Green Building Rating The William J. Clinton Presidential Library, a part of the National Archives, has been designated as one of the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly places to work in the United States by the U.S. Green Buildings Council under its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Program. The 153,779 sq. ft. Library, designed by architect James Polshek, is the first federal building to receive a platinum rating, the highest in the LEED for Existing Buildings (LEED-EB) Green Building rating system. Only 29 other buildings in the world have achieved the LEED platinum designation. Image “This is a significant achievement for the National Archives and the Clinton Foundation,” said Terri Garner, Director of the Clinton Presidential Library. “NARA is committed to maintaining this facility at the highest performance level possible and hopefully become a beacon to other federal facilities that may want to go green and enhance their own performance.” The first LEED Rating system was launched in 2000 and was specifically designed for the construction of new buildings. The Clinton Library achieved a Silver Certification under the LEED for New Construction rating when it opened in July, 2004. The National Archives, in partnership with the Clinton Foundation, were responsible for implementing the certification process. The LEED-EB application included the Clinton Library, owned and operated by the National Archives, and the surrounding 27 acre park grounds that is administered and maintained by the Clinton Foundation. The efforts to obtain the credit points necessary to achieve a platinum certification began in February of this year. Meeting those objectives required Facility Manager, Steve Samford, LEED AP, to implement several new programs and procedures that included efficient use of energy, building commissioning to insure optimum equipment performance, an integrated pest management program, purchasing of environmentally preferred products, waste stream management and ongoing indoor environmental quality (IEQ). The IEQ programs included green cleaning with environmentally friendly cleaning products, use of low VOC content maintenance products such as paint, adhesives and sealants used for day-to-day maintenance and increased use of recycled content paper products. Waste reduction was accomplished by increased recycling and source reduction for paper, light bulbs, batteries, metal, cardboard, plastic, glass, etc. The Clinton Foundation implemented several initiatives for water savings and energy conservation in the Clinton Library park grounds. The Clinton Foundation also provided overall funding for the LEED application. Image Over 100 people, including National Archives personnel, museum volunteers, and support staff work in the Clinton Library. The facility has seen over one million visitors since its opening in November 2004. The LEED® green building certification program is a voluntary, consensus-based national rating system for buildings designed, constructed and operated for improved environmental and human health performance. LEED addresses all building types and emphasizes state-of-the- art strategies in five areas: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials and resources selection, and indoor environmental quality.